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  1. bored of sc

    Red Tree: Additional Text

    Yeah. Sure. It's your related texts so do whatever you please. Best to reference the entire text correctly though.
  2. bored of sc

    What would you guys give this story out of 15?

    Is that a bad thing?
  3. bored of sc

    Aural help

    Music 1 or Music 2? If it's music 1 you don't need to know how to sing a scale. As for your 'problems', an aural exam is testing knowledge of musical concepts. You need to know these concepts inside out. As a drummer you would probably find duration quite straight forward. For pitch, it's...
  4. bored of sc

    Effect of dispossession on Aboriginal Spirituality

    Dispossession: Aboriginal peoples taken from their land e.g. protection, assimilation, stolen generations etc. Effect: mainly negative. Loss of deep spiritual links with land. Essence of dreaming (land) links destroyed. Kinship systems break down. Obligations to land cannot be fulfilled...
  5. bored of sc

    Formulae Test

    100% true. I think I may have overwhelmed some people. This was unintentional. I just wanted to put together a complete formula/theorem/facts guide to the course for myself and posted it up so others may also gain the possible benefits.
  6. bored of sc

    Thoughts on Frankenstein/Bladerunner

    Bladerunner is a detective, science fiction and gothic/horror film. All these genres are also integrated in Shelly's Frankenstein (detective = when Justine is trialled, science fiction = entire idea of electrifying dead into life, and gothic/horror = deaths of loved ones, monster/creature etc).
  7. bored of sc

    ENGLISH - "Belonging" Assessment Help

    Yeah. I did a speech on this type of assessment. It's about picking a specific aspect of belonging and exploring it in depth.
  8. bored of sc

    Belonging AOS Poem

    MOST poems use more than that, you just have to keep an eye out. By the way, why not call a metaphor an analogy (if applicable)? A simile comparative imagery? Basically the same thing, just different word choice.
  9. bored of sc

    Supplymentry texts for belonging

    Yes. That person is you! Key words to get you started: - cultural purgatory/transient state - alienation from dominant society - minority groups/cultures Good luck.
  10. bored of sc

    Belonging urgent

    Check the threads labelled IMPORTANT.
  11. bored of sc


    I don't believe you can do that.
  12. bored of sc

    Belonging Study Guide '09 - related material (includes "Numb" analysis).

    Oh, I see. Not sure I agree with the novel not requiring a less in-depth analysis than poetry but I can see where you're coming from.
  13. bored of sc

    LOLS me again

    It's an addition of two cubes. I.e. a3+b3 = (a+b)(a2-ab+b2) but a = t-2 and b = t+2. So (t-2)3+(t+2)3 = [(t-2)+(t+2)][(t-2)2-(t-2)(t+2)+(t+2)2] = above answers Just realised...
  14. bored of sc

    Results- How are you going?

    Religion - 3rd/80ish English - equal 1st/25ish Mathematics - 10th/25ish Ext 1 Maths - 1st/12 Ext 2 Maths - 1st/2 Music - 1st/6 Chemistry - 4th/10
  15. bored of sc

    When did 08' HSC finish!?

    Do you mean when classes were completed? Last friday of term 3 isn't it? You'll have to check the date on the internet or something. Sorry for being of little/no help.
  16. bored of sc

    Belonging Short Story

    I haven't got time to do a long comment. Mark: 11-12/15. Reads well and is interesting but too simple in terms of language. I am by no means a marker. It's a good piece of writing , trust me. Give more description to make the imagery more precise.
  17. bored of sc

    HSC Tips - Graphs

    Oh yeah. I learn this. :P Cheers.
  18. bored of sc

    Belonging Study Guide '09 - related material (includes "Numb" analysis).

    Wo, hold up. Analysing techniques is essential. If you are talking about musical techniques than you are correct, it's not required especially if you not musically inclined. By the way, song lyrics is a different textual form to poetry. Lyrics tend to be more simplistic and repetitive while...
  19. bored of sc

    Want to brainstorm the concept of belonging with me?

    Paper 1 - Area of Study 2009 - Belonging Examination Part (i) Comprehension on unseen text-types (usally 3-4 texts both visual and writeen) --- Short answer questions (15 marks) Part (ii) Creative writing based on stimulus (i.e. picture, quote, etc); can be a variety of text types i.e...
  20. bored of sc

    What kind of school do you go to?

    Private/catholic boys and girls school.