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  1. RUB!X

    Dream Job

    1. Rich Bludger 2. Pro Golfer 3. Pro soccer player 4. Hit man 5. Zen monk
  2. RUB!X

    Who should I get broadband with?

    according to pc user the best isp for brodband is internode, 2nd is DART and optus is average but better den telstra, tpg is last place ... oh well, good luck!
  3. RUB!X

    Bring Madonna Downunder!!!!

  4. RUB!X


    go the rabbitohs!
  5. RUB!X

    Soccer Thread 2004

    NoOoOoOoOoOoOo! Arsenal loses FA Cup ... Man U played better though ... damn ... aldiare had his chance but didn't play well at all
  6. RUB!X


    good game, the roosters struggle with a game plan v the panthers, maybe it's psycological (final last yr) but they just didn't seem to be potent in attack, their offence was poor, they made too many tackles and were too tired to aggresive in attack, like last wk v the bulldogs ...
  7. RUB!X

    changed homepage

  8. RUB!X

    Favourite soccer team!?

    But the main aim is to qualify for the world cup! btw ... The new jersey looks all right (nike)
  9. RUB!X

    Soccer Thread 2004

    go arsenal, the gunners all the way! we'll shoot those diving pansies! i hope anyways ...
  10. RUB!X

    Panthers vs Roosters

    good game, luke swain's teeth came out somehow? omg they had to find them on the ground ...
  11. RUB!X


    do any of you ppl use any cs-mods, cross[-:-]hairs and the like? post good links ...
  12. RUB!X

    Paradise Hotel

    i h8 this show
  13. RUB!X

    My next laptop would be a Mac.

    yeah, if i could afford 1!
  14. RUB!X

    Custom Built or Prepackaged?

    custom built all the way!
  15. RUB!X

    Internode PEOPLE!

    yes, internode is the best followed by DART ...
  16. RUB!X

    Hamish and Andy

    lolz, which is better? merrick/russo v hamish/andy
  17. RUB!X

    Soccer Thread 2004

    hmmm... lolz
  18. RUB!X

    Class of 2004 Formal

  19. RUB!X

    Soccer Thread 2004

    yeah, an epl club should pick him up, hes a good player, hes been playing well for Millwall anyway ...