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  1. RUB!X

    should craig step aside for ian?

    why the fuk should he? its ian's mistake not craig's!
  2. RUB!X

    Soccer Thread 2004

    lolz ... well arsenal wins ... 1 down (epl) 2 to go (ecl, and fa cup) :)
  3. RUB!X

    Favourite soccer team!?

    yes, good game but i 'sef efrice' had more chances, but they can't finish for shit!
  4. RUB!X

    What resources do you guys want first?

    derz like no maths 2u resources, pls post some notes! or past papers with answers ...
  5. RUB!X

    Favourite soccer team!?

    derlei and deco r so deadly together, their whole team is in great form, victor baia has been in great touch as well ... they r da dark horse for the ucl, u never know ... :)
  6. RUB!X

    Soccer Thread 2004

  7. RUB!X

    saddest songs ever?

    ooooh yeah the beer ad, with the tounge is pretty sad... touch me, den dont touch me till i get my s a t i s f a c t i o n... da da da da, or something like that, it gives me a headache!
  8. RUB!X

    Soccer Thread 2004

    yeah, go australia, we should win, should ...
  9. RUB!X

    computer part wars...

    beecom's cheap, but i think cworld is cheaper... n they have better service... my friend got a computer from beecom and they did the old switcheroo on him!
  10. RUB!X

    how much spam e-mails do u get??

    2 bloody much spam!
  11. RUB!X

    PS2 games on the PC??

    i cant wait till i can play half life 2!
  12. RUB!X

    saddest songs ever?

    i hate that fukin milkshake song!
  13. RUB!X

    so who else hates Johnsy?

    lols... j. wilkinson is more than a kicker, but they came third in europe 6's championships, bhind france and ireland (ROFL!)
  14. RUB!X


    you never know, der pretty much kicked out alot of supporters, the 35-0 loss to the roosters (LoLz!) won't help bring supporters to the game and to the bulldogs for that matter, as well as having a drug and sex scandal at the club, things arent looking good for the dogs, now mason wants out as...
  15. RUB!X

    help with integration

  16. RUB!X

    Yo! Everyone!

    lols... apple osx panther is better than ms xp but uts too expensive and i'm to used to xp so eh ...
  17. RUB!X

    American Idol.. who is your favourite?

    i watch it for the comments, simon is like rofl funni wen he tells people off! LoLz ... i also hate that ryan seacrust guy ...
  18. RUB!X

    Favourite soccer team!?

    well said, but ders more to porto den deco...
  19. RUB!X

    Coolest GIF ever!

    LoLz ...