Search results

  1. N

    What should i do in uni??

    yeah you've given me a few more options for the commerce, and they i appreciate that but, accountants etc, really dont seem to stand out for me? haha, really want a prestigious and well paid job, and some of the ones you mentioned dont seem that rewarding? how is no social life/ no family...
  2. N

    What should i do in uni??

    mmmmm the choice is really quite broad in that isnt it? someone said something about investment banker? what exactly is that? haha, that was actually my first job that i wanted, go through adfa get my degree spend some years in the DF, then come out and be commercial, but then the lack of...
  3. N

    What should i do in uni??

    Just chuck some ideas at me guys, really would appreciate it. and please dont go ' choose one you'll enjoy' cause im trying to figure out what i enjoy atm. medicine- too much work/ training pressure etc. actuarial- thought about it, but all ive heard is its mega hard and its outdated(...
  4. N

    haha so you have heard of it. mmm yeah it goes alright. its one of the only selective around...

    haha so you have heard of it. mmm yeah it goes alright. its one of the only selective around here tho. probs nowhere as near as much competition as hornsby. so hows life? holidays etc.
  5. N

    English Studies?

    Agreed. :)
  6. N

    ahhhh crap accidently posted on my own page thing, still haevnt got much clue of whats going on...

    ahhhh crap accidently posted on my own page thing, still haevnt got much clue of whats going on. msn is much better. :) haha merewether high! heard of it?
  7. N

    Hot teachers

    what is this...
  8. N

    haha merewether high! heard of it?

    haha merewether high! heard of it?
  9. N

    whats your school up to? HGHS ayyy. dam you, schools ranked higher haha. are you appearring...

    whats your school up to? HGHS ayyy. dam you, schools ranked higher haha. are you appearring offline now?
  10. N

    ohh rlyyy? hahaha, my bad. errm, our school is behind.. ergh. so only complex nos. polys...

    ohh rlyyy? hahaha, my bad. errm, our school is behind.. ergh. so only complex nos. polys. connics and we've covered harder induction,circle and inequalities. im not ignoring you, just you're not on when i am..?
  11. N

    lols, 'uber' asian got smashed in ext 2 today... sigh sigh sigh. howd you go? uber-non asian!

    lols, 'uber' asian got smashed in ext 2 today... sigh sigh sigh. howd you go? uber-non asian!
  12. N

    its cause im a nerdyasian. :) what about youuuu? finally finished half yearlys, feeels soooo...

    its cause im a nerdyasian. :) what about youuuu? finally finished half yearlys, feeels soooo goood dude. how about you? finished? now i can finally have a life.
  13. N

    fits me realll well imo.

    fits me realll well imo.
  14. N

    hahahah fucker... so you found me hey.

    hahahah fucker... so you found me hey.
  15. N

    Doing 10 units or 12 units?

    10 units and going strong! MAN UP. hahaha just kidding, however the chances of you completely wrecking your whole atar is very little, so if you do screw up this year, you can only blame yourself for not working hard enough. it does feel safe to be doing 12, but if your gunna muck around in...
  16. N

    Atar prediction?

    School rank: 23-28 ext 2 maths : 3/ 25 ext 1 maths : 1st/ 90 ADV english : 50/ 185 Chem 15th / 70 Physics 2nd / 65 Thanks. :)
  17. N

    Show me your Pens!

    Crayola Twistable Crayons are where it's at. Blue ones work the best.
  18. N

    Harder inequalities

    What are the chances of getting harder inequalities in a half yearly? lol i feel like not studying at all, i find them so brutal.. it probably ranges for schools though hey, so what about the actual HSC?
  19. N

    haha mad, but im going to beat you :) lols, so whats your name? actually, i'll have a better...

    haha mad, but im going to beat you :) lols, so whats your name? actually, i'll have a better chat with you next time, gotta go study for chem/ ext 2 half yearlies... getting SLAYEDDD atm.. :/