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  1. C

    US Congressional elections - Democrats or Republicans

    That's quite disgusting. A high school diploma is in fact required to enlist, so much for drop outs. Troopos message to Kerry. As for the elections, we'd better hope the Democrats don't win anything. It's not worth the risk.
  2. C

    TAKE A LOOK AT YOURSELVES! The Worrying rise of a conservative youth!

    Because where you were born had nothing to do with it, right?
  3. C

    The Glass House has been axed...

    You're not a real intellectual anymore :(
  4. C

    TAKE A LOOK AT YOURSELVES! The Worrying rise of a conservative youth!

    Well, whenever any report comes from someone who was funded by an oil company you're willing to ignore all the science because of who paid for it. But it's not as if the global warming doom preachers aren't making money either.
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    TAKE A LOOK AT YOURSELVES! The Worrying rise of a conservative youth!

    So you mean David Suzuki doesn't make any money from what he's doing?
  6. C

    TAKE A LOOK AT YOURSELVES! The Worrying rise of a conservative youth!

    The media, of course, happily ignored another report this week from the British House of Lords committee on Economic Affairs, which said Scaremongering as usual...
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    Go worship Satan about it.
  8. C


    Well, someone had to do it. Ugh. How does one define the strength of an emotion? Like, could hate beat love in an arm wrestling contest? Maybe the correct word would be "easier" or better still, "more frequent". That's pretty obvious, really. By this logic "apathy" is by far the most...
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    Hey, did you hear the Japanese are plotting to take over the world again? Unlike the Chinese, who are angels who never did anything wrong, right? :uhoh:
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    school chaplain

    It isn't actually promoting Christianity at the expense of other religions, there's no evidence that it is, the government person repeatedly said that it isn't. I think the SMH gave Nettle just a little too much space in the article. At any rate promoting Christianity at the expense of other...
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    10 reasons why you like/dislike uni

    dislike: the fact that employers don't give a shit about grades
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    2007 Federal Election - Coalition or Labor/Howard or Rudd?

    Re: 2007 Federal Election - Coalition or Labor/Howard or Beazley? It bothers me that people can so confidently attribute the drought, water shortages, an itchy arse... to the "climate change" bogey man. As if, somehow signing the Kyoto protocol, whose targets we're already below unlike dozens...
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    Wollongong Suburbs

    Unanderra is a pretty cool place.
  14. C

    TAKE A LOOK AT YOURSELVES! The Worrying rise of a conservative youth!

    Fantastic. Please share them with us. Because really, it doesn't make sense to say you're 'intimidated' to post something on an internet forum. It shouldn't come down to what percentage of regular posters are perceived to be "left" or "right", or "conservative", or "liberal in the american...
  15. C

    Any universities offering good GIS programs?

    GIS is sort of related to other spatial sciences, but that engineering degree would be more if you wanted to become a surveyor (in which case one would be better off coming to Newcastle, because we're cool). I don't know if the major at Maq is professionally recognised or not, best to check...
  16. C

    Any universities offering good GIS programs?

    Macquarie University: Bachelor of Arts, majoring in geographical information science, 3 years full time or equivalent Bachelor of Science, majoring in geographical information science, 3 years full time or equivalent University of New South Wales - Kensington Campus: Bachelor of...
  17. C

    DVD incident

    From the dude's myspace which we're apparently not allowed to post; What’s going on Porto? I am going to jump on the bandwagon and say I am behind you and the boys. You are good kids and it is this tabloid style sensationalist television reporting that has put you in this position. But what...
  18. C

    favourite poem

    Kipling, of course: "Tommy" I went into a public-'ouse to get a pint o'beer, The publican 'e up an' sez, "We serve no red-coats here." The girls be'ind the bar they laughed an' giggled fit to die, I outs into the street again an' to myself sez I: O it's Tommy this, an'...