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  1. C

    The Abortion Debate (continued)

    I tried to emphasise this in the first post, but I was trying to say, look at say murder or war without equating it to abortion. Basically you've said if someone gets pregnant it is preferable for the baby not to be born. The reason for this is: 1. There are already too many people raping the...
  2. C

    Bali Bombers freed for Ramadan,20867,20634238-2703,00.html,20867,20630576-1702,00.html Post your cultural imperialist remarks about the justice system of a foreign nation in this...
  3. C

    The Abortion Debate (continued)

    Very off-topic, but still; The way you have said this implies you prefer abortion in all cases, not just those in which the pregnancy was unwanted. Without equating abortion with anything else, would you say, considering your lack of belief in a sanctity of life that murder is okay if it has...
  4. C

    Bias and 'our' ABC

    Umm, not really, since the only argument that Fox is not balanced is that the poster does not like the Republican Party and 2 named commentators do. And, what I was originally saying was that it's not ownership but ratings that determine content on news networks, someone just used Fox as an...
  5. C

    Bias and 'our' ABC

    It all comes from the same Reuters, AP and AFP reports anyway, and those guys aren't exactly balanced themselves. I think the reason you moonbats hate Fox is because they ARE too fair. Maybe you'd be happier watching BBC I wonder how similar our own public broadcaster is.
  6. C

    Bias and 'our' ABC

    Because commercial networks have no obligation to choose x commentators of one persuasion and y commetators of another, it's based solely on what people will watch. And I find it strange that being pro-republican is evil but posting death-porn is okay because "people will watch it".
  7. C

    Bias and 'our' ABC

    Great, we agree. Still waiting for evidence that ownership not ratings affects content, then.
  8. C

    Bias and 'our' ABC

    Not only that, but what would you say was balanced? CNN are disgusting.
  9. C

    Bias and 'our' ABC

    lol opinion ffs
  10. C

    Bias and 'our' ABC

    Fox is more balanced than the ABC. Outfoxed focuses on the opinion commentary on Fox instead of the news.
  11. C

    Bored of studies Servers - UPGRADE TIME

    Upgrading? How about just managing to pay for the terabytes and exabytes of bandwidth used up every single day, especially by you with your 30+ accounts and spam posting.
  12. C

    North Korea: "UN Has Declared War..."

    umm... Estimated NK nuke power: 1kT Hiroshima nuke power: 10kT 1kT/10kT = ... 1/10. It doesn't need to do anything at all. If i were the president of the USA i'd immediately cut off all foreign aid, leave the UN and kick the UN out of America. I agree, especially since the Democrats...
  13. C

    Flag Burners

    Just read the Fairfax papers, you'll never have to worry about it, unless they're white.
  14. C

    Bias and 'our' ABC

    Where's the evidence that ownership determines the ideas presented on a network? It's the ratings that count.
  15. C

    N Korea conducts Nuclear test. He must have embarassed the Chinese, and they weren't happy.
  16. C

    Bias and 'our' ABC

    TT and ACA aren't really biased as such, as in favouring one political party or another, because they don't report news or other-type political occurings. I don't think people watch them for that either, I mean even your average "redneck" can figure out the whole point of the shows is to harass...
  17. C

    Bias and 'our' ABC

    The commercial networks are incredibly biased toward the Government in all reporting, largely because Murdoch is in control of the entire country, including choosing the leader of both Liberal and Labor. (I read it in the "your say" section of The Age, it must be true.)
  18. C

    Flag Burners

    Making flag burning illegal is crazy, it's like saying "people fought for our freedom under that flag.... now here's a list of what you're not free to do!"