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  1. C

    Big W tips

    1. Introduce the person next to you. Basically it doeesn't matter what u say about them, just get as much as u can down in the time u get. 2. Putting a list of tasks in order of priority. Not difficult. 3. Sales pitch for a stupid product (eg. a whistle, a raincoat...) most of my group...
  2. C

    2007 Federal Election - Coalition or Labor/Howard or Rudd?

    Re: 2007 Federal Election - Coalition or Labor/Howard or Beazley? Please feel free to leave the country, thereby infinitesimally increasing the national average intelligence. Every little helps. That's quite a non-sequitir. I, for instance, am considerably more intelligent than you, and I...
  3. C

    Does God exist?

    No, because as soon as it's confirmed to actually happen it becomes something natural.
  4. C

    BOS Dating Service?

    Can someone here please set me up with unique princess?
  5. C

    Please help me save my home

    12MT hey? That's quite impressive. You ought to be thankful, it may do wonders for the local economy. As for your house, well, that's progress.
  6. C

    Do You Think You'll Do A Postgraduate Degree?

    :D I might do graduate law before I run for Prime Minister. Could be helpful, or at least more so than enginering.
  7. C

    9/11 conspiracies

    Yes, it was excellent. The idea that the 9/11 conspiracy is a government conspiracy is probably more credible than the 9/11 conspiracies.
  8. C

    Too much focus on HSC marks?

    If you're too lazy to study at school, you'll certainly not-study at uni, considering there's absolutely no one encouraging or forcing you to study like there is at school. But I guess most people are content with Passes anyway.
  9. C

    Julie Bishop's Vision for Education in Australia (Merged)

    Re: Julie Bishop's vision for education in Australia Why would anyone who wanted to work full time after school even go to year 12? The HSC is worth less than the paper it is printed on (which is actually really nice paper) and just puts you 2 years behind everyone else who goes to work after...
  10. C

    Citizenship - The Citizenship Testing Discussion Paper

    Civil rights in the USA? But I guess that's a good thing. The second question is answered quite completely here: I know what orthodox means, I just meant that they don't call themselves that. See, just because a Muslim doesn't blow himself...
  11. C

    Too much focus on HSC marks?

    How dare they make you do something you don't like! They should include stuff like partying and other type social activities in uni entry criteria, otherwise it wouldn't be fair to those who prefer doing those things to studying!
  12. C

    Google Has Taken Over Youtube!

    If they were an advertising company they'd buy the Gator Corporation. I trust the Gator Corporation.
  13. C

    Too much focus on HSC marks?

    Arts & Not-Arts respectively. Hence the part about working in a cafe post-degree. Duh. Seriously though, I'd be massively against this idea, because this time last year when uni places were being decided, I had no extra-curricular activities to speak of, and absolutley could not make a...
  14. C

    N Korea conducts Nuclear test. Don't worry guys, the UN has 'strongly condemned' the nuclear test. That should do it. If not, maybe a strongly worded letter will do. Seriously though if anything attacks the Norks they have enough artillery and the like along the DMZ...
  15. C

    Pre-emptive UAI prediction

    You're going to get 87.45.
  16. C

    Another school shooting in the US

    No genius, because guns exist. You can't pretend they don't.
  17. C

    N Korea conducts Nuclear test.

    Another sucess for the UN.
  18. C

    Another school shooting in the US

    Except theives and rapists, since they're going to have them anyway. Would you feel much safer knowing there was someone else with a gun, in your house who wanted to harm you? A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear...
  19. C

    Citizenship - The Citizenship Testing Discussion Paper

    They haven't "protested" it you dimwit. What do you think they're going to get out on the streets with signs asking for sharia law? No, clearly the institution of Sharia in Europe will come though intimidation, continuing concessions in the name of "tolerance" and demographic warfare. It's...