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    1. Because the questions are so unbelievably vague that you can write pretty much the same shit every time with a different conclusion (from the same arguments). 2. But people do uni courses by choice.
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    I sure did.
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    A physical side-effect of 'making love' (not pregnancies)

    I think I was designed for Asian women.
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    The Woolworths Thread

    Re: Woolworths FAQ- how to get a job Serius - getting me a job since about 30 seconds ago.
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    how to show you appreciate them?

    Post an appreciation thread in ns.
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    Any Western guys whose parents are against them dating "Asians"?

    I want to go on a sex tourism holiday to the Phillipines and Thailand, and maybe Indonesia too, and hopefully come home with a few wives, but my parents won't have any of it. How can I overcome the cultural boundaries and convince them to let me go?
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    War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (ret.)

    Re: War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (re Ahmadinejad's speech to the UN General Assembly:
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    Interracial relationships

    The "eurasians are hot" myth is so annoying, it's no more true than the myth that all "pygmies of the equatorial congo basin crossed with mongolians" are hot. Except that myth doesn't actually exist.
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    War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (ret.)

    Re: War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (re Not in terms of casualties, but rather that the US is now in massive amounts of debt.
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    Open borders and the free movement of people

    Re: Citizenship - The Citizenship Testing Discussion Paper Of course we shouldn't let them, at least until there's a useful alternative energy source to oil that we can get plenty of. The USA uses 26% of the world's oil consumption with 5% of its population, that should give you an idea of...
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    War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (ret.)

    Re: War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (re Could be a bad idea.
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    Open borders and the free movement of people

    Re: Citizenship - The Citizenship Testing Discussion Paper Ok I'll make it very simple. It's not actually strictly speaking economic, it's more to do with laws of chemistry and what not. We've got a small population, small population density (even if you only include the small strip of...
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    Open borders and the free movement of people

    Re: Citizenship - The Citizenship Testing Discussion Paper Because those countries currently without 3rd world conditions would become overpopulated by people whose countries currently do. If equal opportunity is an Australian value, well since about a quarter of our population weren't born...
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    Why are many teen girls afraid to have sex?

    As a teen boy, I'm afraid of having sex because it'd be like 'try sticking a toothpick up your nostril and let someone wiggle it around for 10 seconds'.
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    Open borders and the free movement of people

    Re: Citizenship - The Citizenship Testing Discussion Paper So you want every country to have 3rd world conditions, not just some of them?
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    Open borders and the free movement of people

    Re: Citizenship - The Citizenship Testing Discussion Paper As Deng Xiaoping said to Jimmy Carter in 1979, how many millions of Chinese do you want?
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    1st, 2nd, 3rd Base?

    I'll help you get off [1st base] :o
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    1st, 2nd, 3rd Base?

    Urban Dictionary does a good job of covering this issue. According to it, 1st Base: To make out or French kiss. 2nd Base: "touching of other peoples private areas" 3rd Base: 3rd Base is getting either a Hand Job, Fingering or Oral Sex. Can also be used as foreplay before sex or just a...
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    What chance for peace if every critic must die?

    It's a shame really that 99.5% of the Pope's speech was a great essay (that he'd actually wrote years earlier and no one seemed to care) about the role of reason in religion and why violence is not compatible with religion, but one quote got this reaction. It's likely that most of the...
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    Satnav/GPS recommendations (or good websites for info?)

    I recommend the Trimble GPS R8 RTK Cableless System, everything you need for the low low price of $90,200.00