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  1. C

    civil/electrical engineering?

    In first year you can choose to do math1210 and 1220, which have assumed knoweldge 4 unit maths, or math1110 and 1120 which have only 2 unit as assumed knowledge. I'm doing the latter and it's not that hard, I found 3 unit harder last year...
  2. C

    Bush invokes Godwin's Law, loses war on terror automatically

    Bush compares Bin Laden to Hitler [/size] ... "As a war grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one." There is a tradition in many groups that, once this occurs, that war is over, and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically lost whatever...
  3. C

    The terrorism theory President Bush refuses to hear

    I think it's more the appeasers and sympathisers in the anti-Israel, anti-American United Nations that are undermining any chance of action.
  4. C

    The terrorism theory President Bush refuses to hear

    The terrorists from within and the lunatics in Iran are the same thing, same source, same causes, same goals, same methods, same ideology, same appeasement from Europeans and the worthless UN. The biggest difference is that one will soon have nukes.
  5. C

    Howard's migration plan

    Are you being serious? Of course if you want to look in the Talmud you can find plenty of quotes from rabbis several millenia ago saying nasty things about non-jews. But for every quote you can find I can find an equivalent "sons of pigs and apes" quote about Jews from non-Jews (usually...
  6. C

    The terrorism theory President Bush refuses to hear

    The Inquisition killed less people in its entire duration than islamic terrorism does every year.
  7. C

    Howard's migration plan

    But really what's so bad about it? Let's have a look: The first point is true, absolutely true, at least in Canada: With demographics and such there'll be Sharia Law in Scandinavia...
  8. C

    Interracial relationships

    Well how can you pick up someone of another race when the law forces you to use different public facilities to them and has them sit at the back of the bus? No, actually, it's a known fact that all white people are beautiful (even Brian Peppers) and all, umm, pygmies of the equatorial congo...
  9. C

    The terrorism theory President Bush refuses to hear

    Yeah you would, postmodernist 'there is no us and them' dhimmis.
  10. C

    Peak oil

    I'm certainly looking forward to the nuclear powered car (considering about two thirds of oil is used for transportation).
  11. C

    What attracts you?? In term of body

    There's actually considerable evidence to suggest that girls are, in fact, shopping lists.
  12. C

    Reading msn histories

    <stalker> Privacy only exists to be violated, so imho email accounts, diaries, phone messages, journals, message histories and photobucket accounts are all fair game if you can get access to them. </stalker> No really, anyone who keeps message histories is pretty lame.
  13. C

    Abortion: What are your background beliefs? RM

    This thread should have been named "The God Debate: Does Abortion Exist?" because they seem to be the 2 trivialities along with homosexuality in australia (wtf?) that this forum is obsessed with lately. Oh, and I'm not pro-life, I'm just plain old anti-choice.
  14. C

    Waste of time going really...

    Except international relations, apparently.
  15. C

    Muslim People in Australia

    Well, since you mention it, Considering Bashir is a cleric with decades of experience, he probably speaks more authoritatively about what your religion involves, than you. Not in Medieval Latin it isn't.
  16. C

    Muslim People in Australia

    Yes, and I'm absolutely certain that Bashir was referring to the inward spiritual struggle to attain perfect faith. :/ 2nd question: Because it probably offends you less than Mahometan.
  17. C

    Muslim People in Australia

    You're not really a Muslim, then;,frameless.htm Obviously since the religion is perfect and unchangeable there can't be multiple interpretations of it, so clearly, you are not Islamic.
  18. C

    Lawyers and Doctors

    Which one of these is medicine: # Bachelor of Aboriginal Studies/Bachelor of Laws # Bachelor of Arts (Communication Studies)/Bachelor of Laws # Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws # Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Laws # Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws # Bachelor of...