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  1. C

    Why do people hate religion?

    and also Tabari IX:69 “Killing disbelievers is a small matter to us.” Tabari VIII:141 “The battle cry of the Companions of the Messenger of Allah that night was: ‘Kill! Kill! Kill!’” Bukhari:V5B59N512 “The Prophet had their men killed, their woman and children taken captive.” Ishaq:489...
  2. C

    Why do people hate religion?

    Strictly theologically speaking, without reference to the 30,000 people killed by the RoP in the last 5 years, Qur’an:9:88 “The Messenger and those who believe with him, strive hard and fight with their wealth and lives in Allah’s Cause.” Qur’an:9:5 “Fight and kill the disbelievers...
  3. C

    Why do people hate religion?

    I hate Islam because it is a religion of violence and savagery that seeks to force upon the entire world (Dar al-Harb) worship of a lunatic and murderer whose laws bring violence and oppression to all nations wherein they are imposed. It is a cult and political movement created by transposing...
  4. C

    Why do people hate religion?

    It's true, it really is a religion based on worshipping and adhering to a 7th century culture.
  5. C

    Having crushes with someone YOUNGER THAN YOU??? OMG

    If this were real, I'd ask, what exactly would an 18 year old girl and 13 year old boy talk about? Would he take her for rides on his bicycle?
  6. C

    The terrorism theory President Bush refuses to hear

    That would be massively more beneficial to them than the rest of the world. We'd be wishing for them to come back in no time.
  7. C

    When 2 marry?

    I also have my whole life planned out: 18:21 - Undergrad degree, start career thereafter ~22 - First marriage, after about 3 months of courtship 23 - First kid, repeat yearly until 4 kids obtained 29 - First divorce, continue on happily enough 31 - Second marriage, more considered...
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    Not shaking hands is a long standing custom dating back to the days of the Arabs who used their left as toilet paper.
  9. C

    Beazley's visa values plan

    Asking tourists to accept values is just crazy. He must have decided to have a go at some 'populism' but has failed pretty badly.
  10. C

    Howard's migration plan

    Australia: The only [western] country that still has [leaders with] some balls?
  11. C

    Will I get my transfer lolz?

    UAI: 94.9 WAM: 86.75 lol HD average GPA: Who cares? ... 2006 UAI for course transferring to: 72 What do u think?
  12. C

    What exactly is plagiarism?

    Plagiarism is where you don't end every single sentence of what you're writing with a reference to someone who had similar thoughts once before in the past, that has commas and full stops in precisely the correct place according to the style guide most favoured by your lecturer (otherwise the...
  13. C

    Steve Irwin dead

    Am I right or what? Obviously GG gets the most attention, but her comrades Tracee and Alan Ramsey join in, and why don't they throw in some more generalised Australia hating while they're at it? We're all racist anyway.
  14. C

    Steve Irwin dead

    It's actually more like, the only reason she said anything at all was because: - He was male, heterosexual - Had a family and considered it important - Was popular - Was successful - Was respected by the public - 3 to 5, but not an academic Which is really enough for anyone to be...
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    Damn, you're right. Jesus' conquests Mohammed's conquests
  16. C

    The terrorism theory President Bush refuses to hear

    You're right, the poor Japanese knew nothing about war crimes.
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    The terrorism theory President Bush refuses to hear

    A bit late, but, at least 26437 killed and 50992 injured from 12/09/2001 to 11/07/2006. (compiled from
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    The terrorism theory President Bush refuses to hear

    The Elvis theory isn't falsifiable The 9/11 one is.
  19. C

    The official IR reform thread!

    IR Victims actually Union Officials
  20. C

    Howard's migration plan

    Sheikh Hilali, on Howard's Muslim Advisory whatever, has been in Australia for 30 years and hasn't learnt English yet.