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  1. C

    Penis Size... does it matter?

    Re: Does Size Matter? Alright, this is it, the ultimate answer to the ultimate question. Everything you ever needed to know about penises and penis size - or almost everything. First of all, let's get the basic statistics out of the way, and see if we can define the average penis. Alfred...
  2. C

    Flag Burners

    Boer War Boxer Rebellion WWI WWII Korean War Vietnam War Gulf War Afghanistan & Iraq.
  3. C it enjoyable for the girl?

    Want one? ;) Yes, but we like being demeaned. It turns us on. We have gills for a reason. Not at all, and in fact contrary to most medical publications, the clitoris is actually located on the tongue.
  4. C

    North Korea presses on nuclear test

    Re: North Korea presses on nuclear test and all that shit! A threat to who? America = Our Allies North Korea = Not our Allies, and geographically we're within the supposed range of their supposed nukes. Thus, North Korea are infinitely more of a threat to us than the Americans...
  5. C

    architecture vs. civil engineering

    You mean students? Because I'm pretty sure the profession isn't considered to be full of drunkards.
  6. C

    Flag Burners

    Flag burning itself shouldn't be punished. Although I wonder if the population would hypothetically vote in favour of it being punishable. I'm an amendment to be, yes an amendment to be, and I'm hopin' that they'll ratify me. There's a lot of flag burners who have got too much freedom. I...
  7. C

    To Dig or Not To Dig Kakoda Trail?

    Hmm... If we did something to try to stop them, would it be populist, or imperialist? And if imperialism is populist, should the government annexe New Zealand to get votes? Seriously; it should be allowed. The sites of other historical battles/campaigns have physically changed, we can...
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    Flag Burners

    The answer is "What electorate is Morris Iemma the MP for?" Off topic, but still, do you mean to say that conservatism = racism?
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    Some questions for you all

    Says a lot more about the UN than Israel.
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    9/11 conspiracies

    If you read the original post you would have discovered that that was what the article referenced was saying. Although I agree the theory doesn't even deserve a thread.
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    Another school shooting in the US

    Oh, I see. From now on I'll just post random conjecture (sam, hotshot?) without any evidence.
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    How do those fully sick Lebo/wogs pick up the hottest chicks?

    You're just jealous because you can't ride in my WRX.
  13. C

    Citizenship - The Citizenship Testing Discussion Paper

    They can't, they're religiously obliged to fight fo the institution of Sharia worldwide. There's no concept of tolerance, in the Western mutlicult sense, in the Muslim world. It is, on the whole, actually about the forced institution and practise of a 7th century Arabic culture whose...
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    If you've lost your virginity, at what age?

    Re: Virginity murder/suicide?
  15. C

    If you've lost your virginity, at what age?

    Re: when did you lose your virginity? In the future.
  16. C

    Any Asian girls whose parents are against them dating "Westerners"?

    So, like, do you have one parent that angrily quotes Confucius at you for dishonoring your family, and the other simultaneously calling you a champion when you pick up gutter sluts?
  17. C

    10 reasons why you like/dislike uni

    Likes: - Being able to come and go as I please (no razor wire like school) - Course material that I'm pretty awesome at - The Medieval Re-enactment society Dislikes: - Lack of socialists attacking me with flyers, wish I went to a uni with more, umm, politically active, students. -...