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  1. C

    Interracial relationships

    Actually, it's more like, ligers and tions are entirely infertile, as are mules. Whether they're separates species is NOT that they can breed, it's whether their offspring are fertile.
  2. C

    Waste of time going really...

    ultra-literalist huh? I guess most of them go back to their own country upon completing their degree, though.
  3. C

    Waste of time going really...

    How is that even possible though, I mean, there's about 100,000 commerce students just at unsw and usyd put together. How many accountants does the world really need?
  4. C

    Interracial relationships

    Babe, you're really something else. We should have aryan babies sometime, you know, the 14 words and all that. God knows white birthrates could use a boost.
  5. C

    Interracial relationships

    Isn't that a slang term for Lebanese gang rape?
  6. C

    What attracts you?? In term of body

    1:1 height to width ratio.
  7. C

    Your schools anti-truanting measures ?

    Not at all. It backed onto a moderately sized area of bush, and lots of bad people with motorbkes and such hung around in there. Not that the barbed wire fence was too difficult to climb or anything. And if you've been to a prison you'll notice they tend to have razor wire.
  8. C

    Interracial relationships

    OMG it's so true, like I read all these Islamophobic blogs about how Europe is going to become Islamic and Black in 50 years, and they're all pretty much racist, but they say "cultural" instead of "racial" so they keep their credibility. Kind of funny really.
  9. C

    Your schools anti-truanting measures ?

    My school had barbed wire fences all around and someone wandering around the local shopping centre looking for truants. But the students were and still are extremely skilled and don't get caught much. I only got caught once out of probably a hundred or so truancies.
  10. C

    Muslim People in Australia,20876,20163815-7583,00.html
  11. C

    Broken Hill?

  12. C

    If only gay sex caused global warming...

    Worst case scenario is 5.8 degrees warmer by 2100, and 88cm sea rise by the same year. Global warming hardly ranks up there with peak oil and population explosions in 3rd world countries, as far as end-of-the-world-causing-events go.
  13. C

    Socally Crippled Or Enhanced?? Quick Questionaire :) Thanks!!

    ARE you : Male Female How old are you: 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 Where do you live: Rural Urban Do you have a casual job? Yes/No How many computers are within your home: 1 2 3 4 5 6+ What is your main purpose for using the...
  14. C

    Mid-air terror bomb plot foiled,,2-2006370176,00.html
  15. C

    superficial things turining you off a relationship

    Knowing that I'm 2.5 of the things that you dislike makes me feel like a better person.
  16. C

    Mid-air terror bomb plot foiled

    How could the British born and educated 7/7 bombers possibly (and it's more than likely that the arrested people from this plot will be likewise) be responding to "western imperialism"?
  17. C

    Muslim People in Australia

    You'll find that it's already illegal in Victoria.