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  1. Shadowdude


    what why
  2. Shadowdude

    2012 Semester 2 UNSW Chatter Thread

    Oh effy, I was reading Blitz - and they said the only safe place where you can't be touched or talked to by these yellow and red shirts is: the polling stations and their queues :(
  3. Shadowdude

    English Extension 2 Research Help?

    I typed it up, that way it's easier to put in your folder.
  4. Shadowdude

    Swizzle's Love Thread - Post anonymous messages to your secret crush

    i dont know, i personally wanted to get the bottle of vodka or whatever but... yeah. peer pressure. i thought they were joking, until forty minutes later they were browsing the dildos and i was looking at the magazines going "ooh, faye reagan" going 'omg omg omg what am i doing here'
  5. Shadowdude

    Swizzle's Love Thread - Post anonymous messages to your secret crush

    ... what happened was that we were all at the SciSoc stall annagurl and now bf slyhunter were like "let's all go maccas", and they went there actuaries and other bos-ers there were like "yeah good idea" i was like "brb guys, gonna go scientia" went to scientia and did stuff there walked...
  6. Shadowdude

    Swizzle's Love Thread - Post anonymous messages to your secret crush

    oh see, i just walked around and saw a few bos-ers and actuaries browsing at morning glory on anzac pde and met up with them
  7. Shadowdude

    Swizzle's Love Thread - Post anonymous messages to your secret crush

    nah, just on that particular day - i was walking to maccas (to meet up with you, annagurl and the rest of you who I thought were there) and it was raining and I was just like "oh great, yeah now the weather's against me too. FUCK THE WORLD. SCREW YOU ALL." and i walked in the rain, while...
  8. Shadowdude

    Swizzle's Love Thread - Post anonymous messages to your secret crush

    i'm just in touch with my emotional side, okay :cry:
  9. Shadowdude

    Swizzle's Love Thread - Post anonymous messages to your secret crush

    its okay i'll just do the same thing i did last time: get a roll of sticky tape and throw it angrily at a concrete wall on level 4 of the red centre because i dont want to break anything and then mope and cry for a bit and feel somewhat better afterward
  10. Shadowdude

    2012 Semester 2 UNSW Chatter Thread

    the yellow shirts showed a video in my lecture one of the girls in the video was pretty hot
  11. Shadowdude

    Swizzle's Love Thread - Post anonymous messages to your secret crush

    have you read the novella called 'The Aspern Papers' it's a story that deals with other people reading other's private communiques
  12. Shadowdude

    Swizzle's Love Thread - Post anonymous messages to your secret crush

    m8 we've gone over this before, sex is a mere fee away at some random establishment in the city...
  13. Shadowdude

    Swizzle's Love Thread - Post anonymous messages to your secret crush

    which reminds me Dear boyfriend of the former 2-time number one secret crush, Fuck you. and how dare you inject your filthy, inferior, sub-par, below grade, poor quality, atrocious, abominable, awful, dreadful, terrible, unspeakably horrid, ineffably deplorable, pitiful, hopelessly horrid...
  14. Shadowdude

    Swizzle's Love Thread - Post anonymous messages to your secret crush

    Dear number one secret crush, You inspire me to aspire to greater heights. Even though you have a seemingly terrible boyfriend who I'm not even sure goes to any educational institution of worth (if any), in fact, judging from his profile picture on Facebook - and after deciding against...
  15. Shadowdude

    2012 Semester 2 UNSW Chatter Thread

    so hot chicks are all liberal what
  16. Shadowdude

    EEX2 - Short Story Idea..... comments/opinions?

    Do what you want, if it's written well, you will get an E4. Case in point: my story which you can read here, is basically "man breaks laptop. man wants to fix laptop. but wife wants to go out on romantic date! what will happen...