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  1. bored of sc

    SC Results Thread

    wow, work the average to those great marks and post it on the thread where you average your results
  2. bored of sc

    SC Results Thread

    :eek: I thought you would have definitely gone to a selective
  3. bored of sc

    SC Marking/Results Process

    Thanks, its good to know most markers bump you up, not down :)!
  4. bored of sc

    How many people do you think get 100 in each school certificate test?

    not sure, sikhman would now (he got 2 100's), but probably not, there are still probably 50-100 people in the state per subject so that's alot of vouchers the school might give them a trophey or prize but yeah, not sure (??)
  5. bored of sc

    Do we get our papers back???

    thanks cem, oh! cem, could you please reply to my post on the marking process/results thread, it would be much appreciated! cheers
  6. bored of sc

    What is your test result AVERAGE??

    that is soo... good
  7. bored of sc

    Do we get our papers back???

    yeah, especially if you bomb out in a subject (i reckon i will in english, but haven't got results yet *nervous habits*) to see where you buggered up as well as finding out your raw score
  8. bored of sc

    Do we get our papers back???

  9. bored of sc

    What is your test result AVERAGE??

    What is your test result AVERAGE?? I know alot of you don't care or couldn't be bothered doing this but for those who do want to, average your 6 school certificate test marks to get your average mark. If you can't be bothered working it out post what it would approximately be. Average = (score...
  10. bored of sc

    Band 5 and below

    it helped study and subject skills for me but everyone is different (see above)
  11. bored of sc

    Do we get our papers back???

    Maybe you can ask the board of studies to send it to you, but chances are, they wouldn't know where your paper is. They have put exemplar responses for the short answers and extended response questions to all the subjects on before, but usually you have to wait till next year (2008 when we won't...
  12. bored of sc

    SC Results Thread

    um, i'm not too sure but I go to a private/catholic school, its not selective but it got the 111th school with best results in last years HSC (i don't know if that is good)
  13. bored of sc

    Predict your Marks and Bands

    in the school certificate for writing its not what you write its how you write it (skills), you could have a shit theme to your writing but if you write techinally well, sustain your ideas and use sophisticated langauge you are going to score well
  14. bored of sc

    Band 5 and below

    I would have to disagree about the effort for band 6's thing as creating good study habits that mean you achieve high marks helps you develop a firm foundation for future study in the much more important HSC, but that's what I think anyway
  15. bored of sc

    Which subject did you score highest in??

    Which subject did you score highest in?? Computers doesn't count here cause its pointless/too easy compared to the others. Remember to vote!
  16. bored of sc

    SC Results Thread

    another great example of an all-rounder! awesome, congrats :) not to take anything away from your good history mark (89) but is it just me or are the history results lower than normal/compared to the other subjects, I've seen alot of results that are all band 6's except for history which is...
  17. bored of sc

    How many people do you think get 100 in each school certificate test?

    really? wow! what school do you go to?
  18. bored of sc

    SC Results Thread

    yes, lol, or that
  19. bored of sc

    SC Results Thread

    yeh, thats still so good, I studied so much content for geography and barely used any of it in the exam (will probably only get band 5 too), so off it but yeh, people who say they don't try and easily pull off good grades are people to admire (because of their raw, excellent general knowlegde)