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  1. bored of sc

    SC Results Thread

    no way, you did great, consider it good marks as you didn't get under 85 not you didn't get above 95, that's a real feat! well done just for the record, all those marks are A's (85+) except english, but english is silly
  2. bored of sc

    SC Results Thread

    :eek: That's an average mark of 94.7 Wow! That's seriously some unbeliveable results, especially Science, Maths and Computers. Oh! I have a question, were you really confident you would achieve those marks or were you surprised when you got them?? Go post that you got 5 band 6's on...
  3. bored of sc

    SC 2007 - Australian History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship

    its highly unlikely, if you scored a raw mark of about 30% chances are you will get a band 2 (50-60) as the BOS tries to make as many people as possible get above 50%
  4. bored of sc

    SC Results Thread

    I think the bored site had 'technical difficulties' yesterday - the 13th of December, well it did for me anyway. Anyone agree? I just couldn't even open the site...
  5. bored of sc

    How many band 6's did you get?

    Here is a poll for when you get your results. It is entitled "How many band 6 did you get?" ***For computers, a mark of 80-100 counts as a band 6 so therefore the maximum score for this poll is 6 and the minimum is 0. The subjects are (to jog your memory if you forget): > English > Maths...
  6. bored of sc

    Hardest test was?

    You WILL get 70's in science, if not higher, the school certificate marks are scaled UP [as cem (the senior member) said marks are aligned upwards] so therefore a raw mark of between 50-60 should rise to about 60-75.
  7. bored of sc

    SC Results Thread

    Good luck receiving your results tomorrow everyone, I know you will all do well. :) Post your marks here on this thread. Go subject/mark/band or something. Oh! Don't be ashamed if you get a 'so-called' bad result as (1) its only school certificate and (2) the standard of marks on this site is...
  8. bored of sc

    Hardest test was?

    hardest parts of each test in my opinion were > english short answer (15 marks in the middle) > science extendeds (40 marks at the end) > maths short answers (20 marks at the end) > history multiple choice (20 marks at start) > geography extended response (15 marker at the end) > computers...
  9. bored of sc

    Minimum raw mark for band 6

    thanks Cem, cheers
  10. bored of sc

    how many hrs have u studied

    troll probably just means strict parents (comparing them to something as harsh as a troll)
  11. bored of sc

    good advice for yr10 07

    well I've put down advanced (as seen in my signature) and I can always change to standard if advanced is too challenging thanks guys for all your opinions, really worthwhile oh! I am quite motivated (have studied for a day before) so I can probably cope the harder concepts in advanced cause...
  12. bored of sc

    good advice for yr10 07

    should you do a HSC course based on how well you went in that subject in the school certificate? I don't know whether to do standard or advanced english? should I maybe do standard if I get below 80 in the SC test and advanced if I get above 80?? :confused: which should I choose?
  13. bored of sc

    Minimum raw mark for band 6

    what you guys think the minimum raw mark for a band 5 will be (i reckon low to mid 70's, but not sure)??? also it would differ from subject to subject...
  14. bored of sc

    What subject are you most looking forward to studying next year?

    mathematics and music :), not english and religion :( (the shit compulsory ones at my school)
  15. bored of sc

    School Reports

    well done, that's great, did you get A10 or A9 for mathematics??
  16. bored of sc

    more important - rank or mark??

    > mark for personal goals > rank for university/further education (UAI) i believe its not everything to have a good rank, if you meet your personal goal of marks then you may not care and/or need to know your rank/UAI that's my opinion and I know all of you disagree but oh well!
  17. bored of sc

    SC Results Thread

    ***this has been edited/changed to the school certificate test results forum :wave:
  18. bored of sc

    Easiest subject to do well at?

    maths and science school certificate tests were alot harder than I expected
  19. bored of sc

    SC Results Thread

    okay, so do you want me to edit or delete this thread (if possible)?? it seems fair what you guys said, but i did want to see what you guys thought of a combined report/sc test mark...