Search results

  1. bored of sc

    Easiest subject to do well at?

    What is the easiest subject to do well at? This does not mean the easiest subject but the one that requires the least work to do well. I reckon maths cause you can apply concepts and formulas to most questions. Least to memorise also.
  2. bored of sc

    SC Results Thread

    Post your school certificate mark and band here (genuine marks ONLY). Subject/Band/Mark in the external tests we did in November okay. Good Luck!
  3. bored of sc

    SC Marking/Results Process

    this question is for cem do they give out half marks in the school certificate tests? if they don't give out half marks but someone's answer is worth half marks (for example 3.5/5) do they give them the mark (to make it 4/5) or do they not (to make it 3/5)? does that make sense? in my...
  4. bored of sc

    any changes in syllabus for 2008?

    an english teacher (a good one) at my school said it is better to get new texts for hsc english as the first people to do them get more 'general' essay questions (so he said) because they haven't been examined ever before so that's good for us! and yeah, its good to get new texts so we can...
  5. bored of sc

    School Reports

    school certificate results arrive in the schools on december 13th I believe
  6. bored of sc

    School Reports

    the letter grades are sent in by your school, so they are classwork ONLY
  7. bored of sc

    School Reports

    Your SC results and report marks are COMPLETELY seperate. The sc tests results is the mark on your school certificate document while report marks are in the reports issued by your school. And as for your thoughts of getting crap SC test marks, DON'T WORRY! It's only school certificate and you...
  8. bored of sc

    Exam Room Humour

    A wasp entered the room through the window and a girl jumped out of her seat screaming. Also, when the head supervisor lady said pens down, she said it so loud and annoyingly that half the room got an unpleasant surprise (me especially, I was deep in thought in the science one and it seemed like...
  9. bored of sc

    Predict your Marks and Bands

    wow! so aplus, are you really good at english? I just hate the subject, especially multiple choice, I am predicting a band 4/5 for me, but by the sounds of it, you have a band 6 in the bag! tell us your other subject predictions, I want to see if I am better than you at anything (I'm probably...
  10. bored of sc


    if anyone has the been through the school certificate papers in class or have them at home, post up some of the more difficult questions so we can discuss answers thanks in advance oh! does anyone else hate english multiple choice alot?! :burn:
  11. bored of sc

    how many hrs have u studied

    if homework and assignments counts, a fair bit one day (a week or two before the SC) I did a whole day of geography as our teacher hadn't taught us a thing (literally) and another day I did half a day geography, half a day maths (it worked well for maths (topped the class)) as for english...
  12. bored of sc

    My Senior Subject Selections...good??

    great variety of subjects, my advice is probably drop something for either physics or extension 1 maths if you want to do engineering, but then again its completely up to you Oh! If you are doing music make sure you have a good grasp of the theory concepts and advanced performing skills.
  13. bored of sc

    Reflections on years 7-10

    English was okay for me. Year 7 was very basic, year 8 we got a great teacher who pushed us, year 9 we got a shit teacher who tryed to make us feel bad by rubbing in our faces how good she was at writing. Year 10 (this year) was great for me. I actually learnt how to make sense when I write and...
  14. bored of sc

    'All My Own Work'

    "All My Own Work" is fairly straight forward. Just read the question carefully and redo the test if you get too many wrong. I got 3 100's, a 97 and a 96 on the five modules. It's not rocket science.
  15. bored of sc

    How Do The Bands Work? How are they calculated?

    NO, the band you receieve is ONLY the school certificate test you did in November; it sucks I know (seems unfair to those A students who stuff up) but that's life
  16. bored of sc

    Whens your last day?

    Yesterday (28th November), but have to get school certificate on the 18th of December
  17. bored of sc

    How Do The Bands Work? How are they calculated?

    According to Cem, the mark on your school certificate results sheet is NOT your raw mark, it is your raw mark scaled upwards. It is also important to note everyone a;igned upwards the same so no internal grades come into the marks given for the external tests. (Sorry if it isn't right).
  18. bored of sc

    School Certificate Over!!!

    I strongly agree!
  19. bored of sc

    SC - does it really matter?

    I would say the school certificate matters to some extent as it is a good indication of skill levels and strengths/weaknesses that could be used for future subject selection. It is also great to see how you compare to the entire state. But, as a number of people have said, it is okay to stuff...
  20. bored of sc

    School Certificate Over!!!

    Sweet Never have to do History, Geography and Computers ever again > pysched!