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  1. Shadowdude

    Math help

    Re: Math help (Because Carrot made me do this) Because they're inverse functions.
  2. Shadowdude

    Can you do a triple major if you do B.commerce/ at UNSW??? PLZ READ AND HELP

    Re: Can you do a triple major if you do B.commerce/ at UNSW??? PLZ READ AND You'll be part of the 0.01% or so of uni students doing a triple major. So who knows when they finish. You need to be approved to overload.
  3. Shadowdude

    transfer or start from the beginning? :/

    Well, we can't really help you if we don't even know where you're applying to. But if you just finished second year uni - they're, 99% of the time, just gonna look at your uni marks.
  4. Shadowdude

    what are some decent paying jobs whilst studying at uni?

    define 'decent paying' I know several 17 year olds who think their $15 or so at the local maccas is top notch salary.
  5. Shadowdude

    Tense and expression

    Well, you just have to be more careful with your tense then. And expression derives on your style of writing.
  6. Shadowdude

    Transfer into UTS Law?

    You order them in the order you most want them in. They're called 'preferences' for a reason...?
  7. Shadowdude

    Little Logs confusion.

    2 \textup{ln}(x\sqrt{3}) = \textup{ln}(y) ?
  8. Shadowdude

    2012 Semester 2 UNSW Chatter Thread

    ikr :( must basement asian it up this semester
  9. Shadowdude

    2012 Semester 2 UNSW Chatter Thread

    I'd like to think that. The average average mark at uni is 70. So since we get scaled, I think the average mark would be around 75 for these Higher Courses. and right now i'm headed for low 70s in my maffs courses this semester :(
  10. Shadowdude

    UNSW Campus

    Electrical Engineering building. Enter where that new Aboriginal place will be -> lift to level 3 (?) -> walk to bridge -> walk across bridge BAM! you're at the CLB
  11. Shadowdude

    Can you do a triple major if you do B.commerce/ at UNSW??? PLZ READ AND HELP

    Re: Can you do a triple major if you do B.commerce/ at UNSW??? PLZ READ AND Well, unless you want to stay at uni for extra semester and want to finish and lesser time - then you'll have to go to summer school. And because all Business courses at UNSW are full fee paying if you take...
  12. Shadowdude

    Maths 2U vs. Maths 3U

    3u and 4u are more difficult applications and concepts based on calculus, you could say.
  13. Shadowdude

    Can you do a triple major if you do B.commerce/ at UNSW??? PLZ READ AND HELP

    Re: Can you do a triple major if you do B.commerce/ at UNSW??? PLZ READ AND If you're permitted to, want to stay for an extra semester or two or three and are willing paying full fees for ASB summer school - then yeah, you might. Go to the Open Day and ask there, for a good definite...
  14. Shadowdude

    Can anyone do extension 2 Mathematics?

    You relearn what you need to know of 4u in uni anyway. Also, uni mathematics is harder than high school mathematics. And yes, they can. And there is some conceptual things you just need to convince yourself. But that shouldn't be too hard. Well, obviously. Extension questions are supposed to...
  15. Shadowdude

    2012 Semester 2 UNSW Chatter Thread

    You're doing Advanced Maths/Arts? not sure if srs MATH2111 is good. MATH2901 is horrible - but somehow I ended up with a higher mark in it. Level 2 maths is a big step up. Very big step up.
  16. Shadowdude

    UNSW Campus

    With the elevators, they're slow and really only trial and error works in figuring out what stop to get off at. I don't think many people take note of those things. I, however, have a lovely shortcut through the Webster building to get from the ASB to Red Centre.
  17. Shadowdude

    single or double degree?

    woo science arts!
  18. Shadowdude

    UNSW vs. USyd?

    dat exercise
  19. Shadowdude

    UNSW vs. USyd?

    Social life is what you make of it.
  20. Shadowdude

    Favourite Mathematical Symbol?

    Isn't that a volume contour integral?