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  1. Shadowdude

    What marks do I need to get?

    Depends on what school you go to. If you get really easy assessments, then... well, you'd need very high. Just aim for 90+
  2. Shadowdude

    Earliest way to apply for a uni course?

    Most people aim for the Main Round. From the Main Round, that's when (usually) the cut-offs rise due to more demand for lower places.
  3. Shadowdude

    Uni applications ?

    Bonus points get added for you. You just put in your preferences and leave it - in most cases. Sometimes you'll need stuff like UMAT and these things should be known to you already.
  4. Shadowdude

    The Official 2012 Olympics Thread

    who's the missile
  5. Shadowdude

    WSU Chatter Thread

    Re: UWS Chatter Thread (can i visit you - so we can totes hang out and talk about stuff) no crepe. (i'll also bring squishxmishyx along or not... - if her schedule permits)
  6. Shadowdude

    Is 4U really that hard

    I got 59/120 in the 2010 MX2 paper raw. That got moderated to 83. I know someone who got 118/120 in the same paper. He got... 99, I believe?
  7. Shadowdude

    Availibility of Parking?

    I'd wager you'd spend more time driving and looking for parking than if you just took the bus+train or whatever.
  8. Shadowdude

    Talking to girls outside your subjects

    ah yes the shadowdude solution This is good to set yourself up on a platform in which to converse with women - but just because you see tons of them in class doesn't mean you'll talk to them. Personally, I've made a note to talk to a few, with a view to more. MORE FRIENDS! MORE ALLIES!
  9. Shadowdude

    Is 4U really that hard

    yeah true story but I'm on a High Distinction average at uni for my maths subjects so... no one can say anything
  10. Shadowdude

    Does anyone else regret buying second hand textbooks?

    Did you get the current edition textbook? Because if you didn't, then it's your fault really for not checking.
  11. Shadowdude

    How do you draw your lower-case sigma?

    Didn't we have one of these threads before? Anyway, I draw it like an 'o', clockwise, but then just keep going horizontally after I finish the 'o' so I get something that looks like: σ My stats lecturer makes it look like an upside down balloon... or, a sperm (it's my guess on why people...
  12. Shadowdude

    Where to buy suit for formal?

    i just went to the local suit store and got something i think it was called 'sk' or something ???
  13. Shadowdude

    What are some good movie classics?

  14. Shadowdude

    What to study for Frankenstein and Bladerunner?

    Well, if you're clueless now - knowing about it less than 12 hours to the exam isn't going to help much. Shouldn't you have asked your teacher for guidance beforehand? I mean... that's what they're there for.
  15. Shadowdude

    What are your rituals/routines before an exam?

    Read my notes, and then reluctantly abandon them. Chat to others to relieve tension. Pray to the exam gods and mentally prepare myself. Mental preparation is basically filling my mind with thoughts such as, "It's time. Time... to (H)D it up!" and stuff
  16. Shadowdude

    What is your 'Maths Exam' pen?

    I'm a Kilometrico Kid. (recently converted)
  17. Shadowdude

    Should English be compulsory??

    Yes but if that occurred then I'd be like "stuff this. i'll just do my other subject's homework now because this doesn't count for anything"
  18. Shadowdude


    Depends on the fingering. If I get the upper note as a 2, then it's a 1-2 trill and I play it with my thumb and index finger. If the upper note is a 5, then I play it with pinky and ring fingers. And you play each note as a... 32nd note. semidemiquaver or whatever
  19. Shadowdude

    Should English be compulsory??

    You do realise that at higher levels of uni maths, part of the marks come from writing style and how well you can present a mathematical argument in English. And same thing in the workplace, I'd envision. There's no lovely answer at the back of the book in the real world. So you have to...
  20. Shadowdude

    Which Uni Has The Hottest Girls???

    oh but they can't, they're in my tute /no crepe International Relations? what kind of person do you think i am someone who purposely chooses subjects just to meet women? m8 m8