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  1. Shadowdude

    Swizzle's Love Thread - Post anonymous messages to your secret crush

    but we're still dates for that formal thing right (just checking)
  2. Shadowdude

    uws meat :)

    what kind of sick dude am i? the nice kind. =)
  3. Shadowdude

    uws meat :)

    yeah shave that moustache off gurl :p /so mean But yes, it's all seekrit. pls dont tell anyone who my secret crush is :(
  4. Shadowdude

    uws meat :)

    You have a mirror in your room? That is one whole wall? wat.
  5. Shadowdude

    uws meat :)

    text sesh with me :p
  6. Shadowdude

    uws meat :)

    If you wanna keep it, that's fine. Just don't put it in the public domain :p
  7. Shadowdude

    uws meat :)

  8. Shadowdude

    uws meat :)

    Oh that one... yes, let's keep that one away. And who's Claudia.
  9. Shadowdude

    uws meat :)

    I have no problems with that pic being posted... if that's the one we were discussing before. The one that involves me walking.
  10. Shadowdude

    Black Books

    Cheaper at Sanity. Still haven't got it... but so tempted to do so!
  11. Shadowdude

    enrolment appointment for sem 2. sem 2 class times

    I have Joakim Bang. Good lecturer and all, but... the way they teach it - it's like they assume you get what they're talking about straight away, and then they go for harder applications of it. The thing that annoyed me most - I'm doing the subject now - is that for the midsem, 5 marks out of...
  12. Shadowdude

    Which language would you teach your kids to speak first? Why?

    Umm... English. Because I will expect my children to be well-read and literarily... adept. And stuff. THEY SHALL BE BEACONS OF ACADEMIC... PROFESSIONALISM
  13. Shadowdude

    1st year semester 2 unsw commerce courses help!

    Have you considered doing something else? Like, doing a Commerce course that will count towards your major for Commerce? Don't do Actuarial if you're not passionate about it. You'll die.
  14. Shadowdude

    ACCT1501 - Perdisco

    You have to look at the beginning of the Perdisco set where you get an overview of the accounting procedures of that firm. So there's no cut and dry answer because it depends.
  15. Shadowdude

    uws meat :)

  16. Shadowdude

    enrolment appointment for sem 2. sem 2 class times

    NO IT'S A HORRIBLE SUBJECT DON'T DO IT srsly. Unless you really like Finance then I guess... go for it. --- Also personally, I don't like using rectangles. Don't be lazy, go through the material yourself and make your own timetable - it's much, much better that way as you can factor in like...
  17. Shadowdude

    4025808's Maths Tutoring around Eastwood/Epping area and UNSW :)

    He gets the Shadowdude seal of approval:
  18. Shadowdude

    Swizzle's Love Thread - Post anonymous messages to your secret crush

    okay we'll go as buddies then :( ~cut down~ Friend zone. Just keep telling myself: it's better than nothing. :detective: