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  1. shoxgeneration

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Yay selling QMB textbook tomorrow :D Oh and as I was telling Mike, I have Ritz voucher $8 and buy one get one free! But where exactly is it located...??? so crazy tired omggg
  2. shoxgeneration

    general UNSW chit-chat

    wooo timetable organising - SO FUN OMG. Haha, if you come to my pass class you'll laugh at me 24/7 :P
  3. shoxgeneration

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Haha, yeah it's hard to sell off your old textbooks when they change the edition ! Lol, I'm not in audit - we don't touch BS' :P Free lunch tomorrow woooooooooooo! I'm hungry now though, dammit.
  4. shoxgeneration

    UAC/QTAC problem...

    i'm pretty sure you can.. cos they're separate entities... so they're not directly associated with each other... Yeah quite sure you can. If you're still hesitant, you should check with your school's Careers Advisor.
  5. shoxgeneration

    general UNSW chit-chat

    well commerce + arts one have gotten rid off such things. arts hasn't loaded up anything yet, but commerce modules definitely have on webct.
  6. shoxgeneration

    general UNSW chit-chat

    LOL that's ridiculously funny! hahahaha
  7. shoxgeneration

    general UNSW chit-chat

    hey carols, yeah - like mike said, only the depreciation expenses and such deductions can only be claimed in general if they are related to your work? ie. working in an accounting firm (job) + studying a commerce degree (study) = related. so deductions can be claimed. Think i got someone...
  8. shoxgeneration

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Haha well there ya go - how do u know i work in an accounting firm? hmm maybe i mentioned it on bos. anyway, wanted to go see that movie in the cinemas but then read reviews in SMH which said it wasn't as great so i figured ah next time... haha. it's got hilary swank right? loved her in...
  9. shoxgeneration

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Ah it wasn't too bad m'dear ~ at the client site *again*. Fiddled around on Excel all day with numbers - such fun I must say! Oh, and as per my previous post - I ended up going back to H.O. afterwards and caught up with a few people in my div and used "PS" when I said something.. and...
  10. shoxgeneration

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Have you seen West Side Story? Or even..... Hairspray? How about... let's be more popular.. Moulin Rouge? *death* if you say no- :burn: (i.e. burnt alive in shock) haha you should!!!! (edit: not burn, but WATCH WSS!) PS. i want to see Wicked! :(
  11. shoxgeneration

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Bob dear, I did indeed catch that reference ;)
  12. shoxgeneration

    general UNSW chit-chat

    LOL. I realise that dear.... I still don't get completely the...... okay i don't get it lol ! No need to explain, I shall just *nod* my head like this _ :lol:
  13. shoxgeneration

    general UNSW chit-chat

    *SHOCK* *HORROR* are you for reals genteelman? ...............
  14. shoxgeneration

    general UNSW chit-chat

    THE HILLS ARE ALIVE! WITH THE SOUND OF MUSIC...... *cue music starts and Mike goes and rents the DVD* :D
  15. shoxgeneration

    general UNSW chit-chat

    I'll be @ uni on Friday for contact shizzle. Should pick up legal textbook too I reckon.... tell me about - they cost a crapload! Thank god I get a slight bit of content over claiming deductions for them during my tax return! :lol: Hey Kev, which Jap restaurant? I may come visit you and...
  16. shoxgeneration

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Hmm, I heard that they were reopening that place up as a Yum Cha? ....... Or maybe I'm just gullible........................... LOL :bomb:
  17. shoxgeneration

    general UNSW chit-chat

    LOL I WISH. haha actually no. I did a commerce elective instead, as I wanted to figure out whether I actually wanted to do Marketing as my major (turned out no, so I am grateful of my random choice to do the elective in first sem as opposed to 2nd yr). I worked out that I'd be doing 3x arts...
  18. shoxgeneration

    general UNSW chit-chat

    It's a first year course dear, that around 95% of commerce kids do during 1st semester. But I being unique ( :o ) - decided not to do it at the same time as most.
  19. shoxgeneration

    general UNSW chit-chat

    LOL ! --- Oh Carols, really QMA/B isn't that bad (QMB is.. sorta.. if you're not a stats-kinda person). But seeing as how I am entitled to teach both you have to force yourself to like it..... which isn't hard for QMA cos I loved it but. QMB... totally different story :/ I'm doing...
  20. shoxgeneration

    How does French Beginners scale in the HSC?

    I did French Beginners for HSC '06. Both our deputy principle & French teacher was telling us that with this course, you gotta do really well to not get affected by scaling. Cos it's scaled down unlike Extension/Continuers courses. So basically, the better you do, the less scaling will affect...