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  1. K

    Predictions for Extension 2 Maths

    Hey guys I'm doing Extension 2 Maths and was wondering what the HSC test could contain, topic-wise. According to my teacher it will probably be mainly Mechanics because the 2012 paper had no questions on that topic. If that's the case, then I am totally screwed as Mechanics is my weak point...
  2. K


    o.O So what happens if they can't read it at all??? Do you give them a zero? Or a low mark, e.g. 11/20?
  3. K


    So what would happen if the HSC markers couldn't read my handwriting? Would i get zero or would they give an low mark??? :( This is my typical handwriting in an exam: p.s. My handwriting was actually way worse in the hsc than on the above link. :'( Thanks
  4. K

    Atar Estimate?

    So I just need a rough ATAR guess if i get these HSC marks. English Standard- 70ish MXT1- 90 MXT2-70 BIO- 75-80 CHEM- 75-80 SORI- 35-40 school rank for 2012 is ~181 Aim:80+
  5. K

    Hello again! Another ATAR estimate pretty please?

    So I got my trial and overall ranks back! (Yay for some subjects!!) Eng. Standard: 5/83 MXT1: 1/31 MXT2: 2/8 Chemistry: 6/45 Biology: 4/66 SOR I: 4/12 school rank: 181~ P.s. all of those ranks are my overall rankings Please reply some ATAR estimates! Thanks!! :)
  6. K

    Is this ATAR possible?

    no, the highest atar is 99.95
  7. K

    ATAR Estimate 2013, anyone? (please help)

    Really? hmm, these estimates are very encouraging! thank you (even if you're trying to make me feel better)
  8. K

    ATAR Estimate 2013, anyone? (please help)

    okayy so 88, I can still work with that! What would you guys reckon I'd get if I got around 80/105 for my E. Standard mark in the HSC???
  9. K

    ATAR Estimate 2013, anyone? (please help)

    sigh, standard english, totally regret choosing that subject... but I can work with 90. Any other ATAR guesses??
  10. K

    ATAR Estimate 2013, anyone? (please help)

    wow O.o really? umm thanks. ps. if you are lying and trying to make me feel better, thanks anyways. It's good motivation!! :)
  11. K

    ATAR Estimate 2013, anyone? (please help)

    Hey guys I'm new here but just wondering if anyone could do an ATAR estimate for me. My aim is 90+, (i know I'm definitely not getting that :frown2: ) Eng. Standard: 5/83 internal mark:70/100 Biology: 4/66 internal mark 83/100 Chemistry: 6/45 internal mark 83/100 Maths EXT1...