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  1. champ_sammy_19

    How old

    I've got 2 cousins in yr 11 this yr (from the philippines) and the eldest one of them is 18 this yr so technically meant to be in yr 12 but when they were living over there my aunt decided to start them together in the same yr.
  2. champ_sammy_19

    Fav. Teacher sayings?

    Ok a math teacher I had in year 8 would stand on the front desk in the class room and boom out RIGHTO YEAR 8... LISTEN UP...LISTEN UP NOW!!!. It never worked we just did whatever. My yr11 & 12's eng teacher favourite quotes were "Hi year 12 sorry I'm late" and if she got annoyed at the boys up...
  3. champ_sammy_19

    Crappy Lanuage teachers

    It was Kommisioner Rex(forgot the spelling) for the German classes
  4. champ_sammy_19

    Section II prepared response?!

    that text book is definitely a lifesaver :)
  5. champ_sammy_19

    Teacher's Pets

    lol same with me it was great stuff ;)
  6. champ_sammy_19

    please help!!! i am not very smart lol!

    Thats kool if there's anything else, just ket me know :D :uhhuh:
  7. champ_sammy_19

    Did YOU make notes????

    when I did my half-yearly's (wow! seems like a long time ago now) I did dot points of the important stuff I needed to know for each subject and put then on palm cards that way I didn't have to shuffle through stacks of paper and you can study them on the bus or whatever.
  8. champ_sammy_19

    please help!!! i am not very smart lol!

    i'd suggest learning a bit for each one otherwise ur brains going to go into overload. It might be an idea too to look at past exam papers to get an idea of the questions they ask and how it's set out ;)
  9. champ_sammy_19


    :) good luck :)
  10. champ_sammy_19

    How do you manage your time?

    agree again :D alot of the time i just could not b bothered
  11. champ_sammy_19


    Some ppl just have no other way of getting through the hsc
  12. champ_sammy_19

    crap teachers

    so tru they may not be able to teach that either
  13. champ_sammy_19


    I did pathways (due to disability) & loved it, although as mentioned in one of the previous posts it is hard when your friends leave and it did take me a term or so to get back into the swing of things. Having said that in my second year I did make lots of new friends and you do tend to handle...
  14. champ_sammy_19

    What's your campus like?

    Iam, the traveling makes me very tired and its because of that, that I have to do two subjects (monday & wednesday) by flexi-delivery which is hard for two main reasons. One its hard to get movitated when you don't have the teacher of that subject breathing down you neck, I often forget that I...
  15. champ_sammy_19

    What's your campus like?

    poor thing kami you must get pissed off with travelling everywhere, its such a pain in the arse
  16. champ_sammy_19

    How do you manage your time?

    lol I'm so like that this yr.
  17. champ_sammy_19

    How do you manage your time?

    I dont manage my time this yr, thats the problem.
  18. champ_sammy_19

    University, Yay or Nay

    Well said Zoltan :p ;)
  19. champ_sammy_19

    University, Yay or Nay

    I'm doing welfare @ Tafe which is done over two years and to do welfare @ uni its double that, so I know what I prefer.
  20. champ_sammy_19

    Anyone do or want to do journalism?

    Yeh... CSU is one of the top uni's in Australia to do journo. Andrew Dention & Jessica Rowe did their Journo degrees there as well as good family friend and well known Journo John Lloyd-Green, who graduated with honnors at CSU. I appiled to do journo at CSU but didn't get in, it's real tough so...