if you have already enrolled into a major and begun some of the subjects how hard is it to change majors? who would i talk to about this within my faculty and within the university/?
i trust the docotrs i have seen- generally they have been cautious and answer any questions i have at the time...even those little annoying questions like should i worry about this **points to something on shoulder** :p well not really, but yeah positive experiences
ah i have to put up the new special tickets for my store townie- i hate working 7am monday, at least i get to work with the new manager and see what he is like.
apart from that- customers were great tonight, except for the dickhead duty manager :@
ah shit bad luck man
what happened to me yesterday was both my lecture and prac were cancelled and i forgot to check uts online, but i used my time to get textbooks and such...hell i even slept in this morning and should be at a lecture in about 20 minutes
cells is always boring no matter what! remember to do the past exams and u will be fine :)
also chem 1a is easier because they post the lecture notes online, 1c doesnt for some reason
what career path do you plan to take with your science degree?
just interested in whether you plan on doing just undergraduate studies or going further with something really terrifying :p