Fully stoked right now.
Today i opened a letter from UNE and the first word was congratulations. So i was fully like "YEW!"
For Arts/Law
Education (primary)
But my wishlist number one, was Arts law at armidale, so i'm stoked.
How'd everyone else go?
it seems that regardless of the area of study choice- belonging is the new one, mine was journeys- but everyone seems to have a vendetta against their area of study concept. But Good Luck and God Bless with it all.
Have fun!!!
this is the third time i would have posted this response.
For any module of english that you need ort's always have two as they can ask you to reference to other related texts as in plural, more than one. so prepare two
Good luck
God Bless
You should have two, because they can ask you to include other related texts, not just one other related text. you need to cover your bases.
Bless you all
we were told to avoid the wind in the willows because it came from the stimulus booklet for the last few years and thus showing you didnt give a thorogh search- same reason you shouldnt be using good ol Robert Frost and the road not taken.
but thats only what our teacher told us.
i'm sure there is some secret list of taboo topics. but from what my teacher told me, dont talk about the stress of the HSC, self harm, suicide, that sort of stuff.
But yea thats all she told me.
Hey there dude.
Read your notes, check essay structures, but dont cram.
stay relaxed. take a walk.
Converse with friends about how they're going aye, but dont let their stress stick with you aye.
Light revision and keep calm...
Bless Ya