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  1. S

    What is a decent mark for ext1 maths?

    This is going to sound arrogant, but I would be disappointed with <99 in ext 1; completed 4 past HSC papers, max mistakes made = 1. It depends on your ability/goals though.
  2. S

    Will my school rank save me, if i screw up in the exam?

    Your exam mark you keep, that makes up 50% of your final HSC mark. The other 50% is your moderated internal mark, which will be based off your entire cohort's performance and your position in the cohort. If you do a little below standard, your moderated mark will be effected, but not greatly...
  3. S

    State rankings

    Ah, fair enough. Still though, IMO CSSA is still quite easy compared to the HSC itself. That being said, >90 in CSSA is still quite an achievement.
  4. S

    State rankings

    1. CSSA paper 2. It's likely that your teacher marks a LOT easier than HSC markers.
  5. S

    Really shit at Prob/perms/combs

    If you can't solve a question and it has a relatively low sample space or repetitions, draw a tree diagram or table of values. Consider working with the converse event if the event is complimentary - it's often a LOT easier this way. Also, look at the probability question at the start of the...
  6. S

    how much should I be writing in 40 mins?!

    The reason why you didn't go as well could be the same reason you wrote less. It could be that you didn't know what to talk about, didn't know how to answer the question/etc whereas in the essays where you wrote more, you were more confident, allowing you to write more. Also, keep in mind that...
  7. S

    A Gift to the BOS Community

    Downloaded entire folder; Could other people do the same, once you've downloaded it's just copy pasting a link from the website.
  8. S

    I only just hopped on, keep the tab on 24/7 Peter :P. You hopped on straight after though :L

    I only just hopped on, keep the tab on 24/7 Peter :P. You hopped on straight after though :L
  9. S

    2010 scegs probability

    Your Method works Alternatively, there are 2!*4! ways the table can be arranged without the restriction of the daughter not sitting opposite of the father being in place. With the restriction that they ARE opposite each other, set the father/ daughter. The mother can go to either side, and the...
  10. S

    HSC 2012-14 MX2 Integration Marathon (archive)

    Re: MX2 Integration Marathon Yeah, I went in a circle but ended up with a different result because I equated sin^2 x - 1 to 1. Making so many mistakes tonight :(
  11. S

    Generalisation of Pattern

    Yeah, that should work. Have fun proving by induction :P
  12. S

    Generalisation of Pattern

    n/2(n+1) - 1/2((2n-1) - (-1)^n(2n-1)) I think that works from testing
  13. S

    Generalisation of Pattern

    I think you would have to incorporate (-1)^n somewhere; how, I'm not sure.
  14. S

    HSC 2012-14 MX2 Integration Marathon (archive)

    Re: MX2 Integration Marathon After finding that the integral is equal to 1/2 * (1-u^4) ^1/2 Let u = sinA Use difference of two squares, one of the terms will equal 1-sin^2A = 1 Now you have the integration of 1/2* cosA * (1+sin^2 A)^1/2 Let A = sinx =1/2 * root (1+k^2) Make a substitution of...
  15. S

    HSC 2012-14 MX2 Integration Marathon (archive)

    Re: MX2 Integration Marathon Done, took 4 pages of working so I don't think I can Latex it, will post directions in a sec though
  16. S

    HSC 2012-14 MX2 Integration Marathon (archive)

    Re: MX2 Integration Marathon I know, fixing that part now :P, you should be able to work with what I had before hand (obviously with correct powers) to get the answer
  17. S

    HSC 2012-14 MX2 Integration Marathon (archive)

    Re: MX2 Integration Marathon Yeah, just noticed a lot of mistakes, hate working in latex (a lot of powers where they shouldn't be)
  18. S

    HSC 2012-14 MX2 Integration Marathon (archive)

    Re: MX2 Integration Marathon \int \frac{dx}{\sqrt{\sin x}} \\ $let$ u = {sin x}^{1/2} \\ {du} = \frac{cosx}{sin x}^{1/2}/2 \\ $now$ u^{2} = {sin x} \\ $rearranging we get$ {cos x} = {\sqrt{1-u^{4}} \\ $subbing in$ \int \ frac{\sqrt{1-u^{4}}{du}/2 \\ = frac{2{(1-u^{4})^{3/2}/12u^{3}
  19. S

    How to get a 99.95 + State Rankings

    100 for chem/phys is too much. 200 for MX1 is too much. 400 for MX2 is too much. That being said, I do like the ratio (1:1:2:4). Don't forget about english though