Yeah, it used to be somewhat intimidating - people half my size squatting crazy weight. Deadlifts I find more natural to improve on than squats. How many times a week do you do the major lifts?
That's pretty impressive! How long training for? I think I know which heavy-squatting asian you are. I've just hit my pb last week - 105 kg squat and 140 kg deadlift.
Probably the body parts you'd want to train most are back and chest - two particularly important ones which (unless you train regularly) get no attention. What I mean is, day-to-day activities train mostly arms and legs. If you want to look good, you're gonna want a wide back and thick chest...
For question 3, it's a lot simpler to use the fact that a and b are real. Then, it must be true that the roots are 1+i and 1-i (complex conjugates). Sum of roots = -a = 1+i+1-i = 2 <===> a = -2 and product of roots = b = (1-i)(1+i) = 2.
I'm not going to assign number grades.
Subject starts off scaring the shit out of everyone with an introduction to Topology for the first few weeks. It becomes significantly more mechanical with differential/integral/vector calculus. For each of the two quizzes we were given...
Age: 19.
Money in Bank: $2W,XYZ
Current Assets: 2001 Holden Commodore + $1600 sound system.
Liabilities: HECS I guess...don't know when I have to pay that off.
Job: Casual porter at a hotel (made every last cent from this job).