English Advanced: 51/125
Mathematics Extension 1: 5/98
Mathematics Extension 2: 14/40
Chemistry: 24/58
Physics: 21/70
School rank 20s
Is it still possible for a 99 Atar?
These are the following subjects.
Chemistry 24/58
3u maths: 4/95
Advanced English 52/130
4u maths: 14/40
Physics: 21/68
School rank: 20-25
Cohort is overall strong, median ATAR for last year was ~94-95
Is it still possible to get a 98 Atar?
School rank 2013:130s was in the 60s 2012
Maths: 7/33
Eng adv: 6/25
Legal studies: 3/9
Economics: 5/23
Chemistry: 3/18
Eng ext 1: 2/6
These are the minimum ranks you need to get at least a 95 atar