yes indeed it was lunch time from 12:35 till 1:15. it is now p4 = free :D
@SM_liverpool : it might not work for everyone. i find it makes me keep on track and actually get a lot more done than i otherwise would.
here's a good study plan i've been using this hols: (if youre planning to stay in on some particular day):
follow your school timetable. say, from 9-10 is chem, then do chem study. from 10-11 is english, then do eng. then have a break during recess time, and get back to work after.
frees can...
the AUDI german film festival is starting this week:
Goethe-InstitutFestival of German Films 2009 - Audi Festival of German Films 2009 takes place from 15 to 28 April
lots of films to watch! (click on the calendar on the RH side of the page to see)
ive actually never heard of doing that before!
if i were you, i'd just stick tothe sylabbus, its a lot easier. and theres plenty of good pieces to choose from anyway.
listen to radio, there is a whole lot of stuff here to choose from (news, music, etc):
France radio stations streaming live on the internet - Listen online
also listn to sbs news.
hope that helps and good luck! :)
hi, is it 'standard' to use 25mL of standard solution in titration, or is that only in schools?
when writing the procedure for titration, should i say 'add 25mL of standard solution' or 'add a known quantity of standard solution'?
i dont have the newest sylabbus that came out this year, but according to last yr's, no it isnt on the list.
and it likely won't be anyway, since the piano amus syllabus hasnt changed that much.