Our school skirts from K-12 were intended to be high-waisted, but maybe one person actually wore them that way.
Needless to day, she didn't have too many friends.
Low is the way to go.
Mine used to be double Chemistry pracs every second Friday. They were the bomb, and in between recess and lunch before Maths and a free period at the end of the day. =]
Ahhh, memories of school.
This is a gross generalisation. So you're basically saying that all girls who aren't virgins, are cheating sluts with no morals?
No wonder you're still single.
A newsagent near my house has done the same thing, their signs say "if you are on your mobile phone, we will be polite enough not to interrupt."
Man, I wish we had those signs at Target. Rude pricks.
Hey, I'm Breanna and I'm 17
Attended LAGS (Lindisfarne) in finished Year 12 in '08
Born in Sydney, moved to the Gold Coast in '97
Love the fact that school is over
Looking forward to what this year brings
Working at Target as much as possible =]