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  1. SnowFox

    Photo Editing.

    It runs on my Win7 :/
  2. SnowFox

    Slight fail on installing XP

    Bahaha got a friend with a bootable disk?
  3. SnowFox

    call of duty: modern warfare 2 [video]

    Would love to know how one does the first mission where you encounter Militia in the slums on Veteran.
  4. SnowFox

    Left 4 Dead 2: Banned in Australia.

    The Government can not ban anything because it is not their property. Steam can, but last I checked they are under no obligation to do anything unless it negatively impacts other players, and not applying the fix negatively effects everyone. It happens with many games, its up to the OFLC...
  5. SnowFox

    So you think you want a motorcycle?

    As said before, bike wasnt broken until i bought the bastard the next day.
  6. SnowFox

    So you think you want a motorcycle?

    Get fucked. Bike is fine now.
  7. SnowFox

    Connect PS3 to Laptop???

    Yeah its output only. AV CapCard is like ~100-150, so it is advised to get a cheap LCD.
  8. SnowFox

    call of duty: modern warfare 2 [video]

    >.< Theres to many girls here.
  9. SnowFox

    call of duty: modern warfare 2 [video]

    Any zoomable weapon. Should of made that clearer, my bad.
  10. SnowFox

    call of duty: modern warfare 2 [video]

    Yeah...but Id rather a PC version because of certain things that occur in this house that would inhibit me even playing the game.
  11. SnowFox

    call of duty: modern warfare 2 [video]

    I play MLG, and the BR which all MLG players love to use has a stickyaim/bulletmagnetism built in.
  12. SnowFox

    What gpu?

    Probably, i quote systems for people and build them, but if the figures for processing is justified for the price, then buy it. BTW how much is this system costing him.
  13. SnowFox

    call of duty: modern warfare 2 [video]

    MP for the PC is the exact same for Console, I dont really give a damn, and i've grown up with the MM system with the Halo series.
  14. SnowFox

    What gpu?

    If hes using it for gaming, why buy a $900+ processor when a simple intel quadcore will run the game, but wont kill his pocket.
  15. SnowFox

    call of duty: modern warfare 2 [video]

    Dont own a ps3.
  16. SnowFox

    Twilight movie

    ...and played as Shark Boy.
  17. SnowFox

    What gpu?

    I only trust nVidia cards. Also, why an i7 anyways, most programs only require a dual core, or a quad core at most.
  18. SnowFox

    What gpu?

    Just dug a lil deeper, its because the i7 processor connects directly to the memory, not the chipset (wtf, why?), and yadda yadda, i7 has DDR3 ram built in, yadda yadda. So you're right. But DDR3 RAM has become cheaper apparently.
  19. SnowFox

    What gpu?

    Umm...If it Supports DDR3, it SHOULD support DDR2. I think you have got your messages mixed up.