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  1. Shadowdude

    Questions for asians specifically- Would you date an indian?

    well there's a cute asian grill at work so i'll just say "as long as she's hot"
  2. Shadowdude

    Questions for asians specifically- Would you date an indian?

    oh i met this cute white grill i thought was white nek minnit really pale indian :'(
  3. Shadowdude

    UNSW chit chat thread

    Re: UNSW chit chat thread 2017 yeah you download them before the lecture and you make notes on them
  4. Shadowdude

    B Science(adv math)(hon) vs B Science with a math major?

    well what do you want to do after work I'd argue that Honours is extremely beneficial whether you want to get into the workforce, or whether you want to get into further research
  5. Shadowdude

    Ranks these uni's for Commerce and Economics.

    Pretty sure there's a strong UNSW bias for any Commerce
  6. Shadowdude

    4u Raw mark

  7. Shadowdude

    UNSW chit chat thread

    Re: UNSW chit chat thread 2017 sickie in the middle of billing period? not sure if srs
  8. Shadowdude

    UNSW chit chat thread

    Re: UNSW chit chat thread 2017 i'm at work but
  9. Shadowdude

    UNSW chit chat thread

    Re: UNSW chit chat thread 2017 pls workload I was at uni 9am to 9pm for pretty much all of Semester 2, for seven days a week That was an amazing experience.
  10. Shadowdude

    how hard is comp1917/1511

    You do maths, so you should be able to think logically and think things through I never touched programming before and did Higher Computing, and got 93. I worked very hard in that course though - I spent many hours in the computer labs figuring out how stuff worked
  11. Shadowdude

    How necessary is attending lectures?

    are you really going to watch the lectures later
  12. Shadowdude

    What sem should I take intro to programming?

    I did it in Sem 2 and apparently it was easier then, because of the different lecturer
  13. Shadowdude

    Is a school able to prevent someone in Year 11 from doing a subject?

    In some circumstances, yes Let's say you want to do Ancient Classical Latin or whatever - but no teacher at the school is capable of teaching it. Obviously they can't offer the subject
  14. Shadowdude

    Thinking of repeating the High School Certificate, help!

    everything worth it is competitive are you serious med sci is at least semi-relevant - and at least at unsw, if they haven't changed it, they have a special system where they reserve a few transfers into medicine for the best med sci students
  15. Shadowdude

    Thinking of repeating the High School Certificate, help!

    Have you considered getting into Medical Science and transferring instead...?
  16. Shadowdude

    Access to all Recorded Lectures in a course?

    iirc, yes You choose the stream you want - it's easier to set up the recording system that way anyway.
  17. Shadowdude

    Achieving the Impossible?

    with that attitude, yes You're basically saying anyone with a head start can't be caught.
  18. Shadowdude

    Complete all core courses in first year?

    what's the best way to get high marks? same thing you did before in the HSC Also if you're a crappy student, you're going to get found out at uni - WAM killers will kill you, but it averages out roughly
  19. Shadowdude

    Complete all core courses in first year?

    no, do them whenever you want - but keep in mind prerequisites