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  1. enthused

    The S1 2009 Results Prediction/Real Thread

    hahaha yeah, but Loz_metalhead said she got the results for something on vista
  2. enthused

    The S1 2009 Results Prediction/Real Thread

    *frantically checks vista for marks.. ...nope, not yet
  3. enthused

    The S1 2009 Results Prediction/Real Thread

    ditto with the PC, maybe Cr for the others, i dunno...
  4. enthused

    Finished your exams yet???

    finished on tuesday! i swear it must be a job requirement for the examiners to be old and cranky at the end of my first exam (education), we were told to put all of our answer booklets in the first booklet, then put the pink question sheet on top, so i put all the answer booklets in the first...
  5. enthused

    Question about peoples' inability to negotiate a footpath without getting in front of

    Re: Question about peoples' inability to negotiate a footpath without getting in fron being incredibly short, no one moves for me... but i weave my way around people.. and, you know how you're walking in one direction and someones coming in the opposite direction, and you go right, then they...
  6. enthused

    Post Your Timetable - S2 2009 Edition

    hahaha, he's still massively tall, the genetics of our family is really not fair. their family is incredibly tall, while ours is really short cant be bothered to see how this thread actually went to height in the first place, but anyhoo heres my timetable, hoping that ill pass chem...
  7. enthused

    Post your Exam timetable here.

    Thursday 18th 1:45- 4pm EDST 1101 Friday 19th 1:45- 4pm CHEM 1011 Monday 22nd 8:45- 11am MATH 1031 Tuesday 23rd 1:45- 4pm BIOS 1301 on the plus, holidays start early...
  8. enthused

    general UNSW chit-chat

    they're not bolsters, mum just rolled up some floppy pillows and stuffed them into cylindrical pillow cases she made (that is, if ur thinking of the same ones i am...)
  9. enthused

    UNSW Food Guide

    ohh, that place that reminds me of a glass house i didnt know they actually sold stuff in there, i thought that it was just a seating area...
  10. enthused

    UNSW Food Guide

    oohh where is this "pavilions" you speak of??? i went on a campus tour in o-week, and they said they sold the cheapest chicken salad rolls at "points to place which i cant remember" =]
  11. enthused

    What are some unsual things your lecturer/tutor/lab demonstrator said?

    random question, whats his email?? actually i think its
  12. enthused

    What are some unsual things your lecturer/tutor/lab demonstrator said?

    lol at chem lecturer's (nick roberts) wardrobe malfunction...his microphone fell and when trying to show that molecules are 3D he raised one of arms out, Hitler style, then said, "oops i cant do that anymore"...he compromised by keeping his index finger pointing out, saying he'll be a...
  13. enthused

    how to meet more people?

    haha probably is, lots of people in bios seem to be doing babs
  14. enthused

    how to meet more people?

    whoa, lots of posts since ive last been on BoS to missanonymous: hahaha we're so cool online but awkward face to face :haha: to people seeing OJ lookalikes: yeah, i see them alot as well, but only because i only wear my glasses in lectures and not outside, so most brown guys end up...
  15. enthused

    how to meet more people?

    so, ive got 4 uni friends: 3 in bios (2 from labs and 1 coz he's in my chem tute as well) 1 in chem (from chem lab) but we dont hang in the breaks because i dont think they're the same dont have any in maths or education dont really like my education tute class, we had speeches and as i was...
  16. enthused

    UNSW Myths, Fables and Stories.

    ohh omie, you and ur super fast typing skills
  17. enthused

    UNSW Myths, Fables and Stories.

    umm, omie's a boy and enthused is a girl and we are siblings and we both go to the same uni yep, we say hi if we see each other no sibling rivalry here :)
  18. enthused

    UNSW Myths, Fables and Stories.

    ahahaha, missanonymous and i have to devise a way to take a pic of this guy (OMG you like totally look like [insert celebrity here] can i have a photo [insert girlish giggle]) ..actually i have to point out this guy to her first
  19. enthused

    UNSW Myths, Fables and Stories.

    my phone makes a loud "click" sound when you take photos, even when its on silent...devastated