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  1. K

    Gender inequality

    My mother owns a multi-national PR firm (operating in the USA and AUS, with baby companies to sort out her less important clients), and my father owns a winery and two investment banking firms, as well as percentages in lots of different companies. Both made men and women, both work 18 hour...
  2. K

    Chocolate Yogo

    Gimp alert!
  3. K

    I want someone to tear apart this website...

    I love you!!! And thanks everyone, we showed that fucking website who was boss. (And all those dumbass christians without a ounce of knowledge)
  4. K

    Chocolate Yogo

    Oh My God! I had one today while in Woolworths. Chocolate Chips and all. <3 Who else loves Yogo, the seriously smooth stuff!
  5. K

    Discuss This.

    ARGUMENT FROM CREATION, a.k.a. ARGUMENT FROM PERSONAL INCREDULITY (I) (1) If evolution is false, then creationism is true, and therefore God exists. (2) Evolution can't be true, since I lack the mental capacity to understand it; moreover, to accept its truth would cause me to be uncomfortable...
  6. K

    What's your sexuality.

    Re: Who's Gay, or thinks about it? Yum Yum! There there baby, have some cheese.
  7. K

    What's your sexuality.

    Who's Gay, or thinks about it? Comeon gays of BOS! Lend your hands!
  8. K

    Gym Junkies

    yeee lads.. Keyboooored warriors need to sort shit out with benchpress. :jedi:
  9. K

    Jewish People... Why the hate?

    Mmmmmm and what's the thing with the bar of gold every barmitzpha? (pardon the spelling) Fact or Fiction? LOL some kids at my school (cranbrook) probably have one..
  10. K

    Jewish People... Why the hate?

    Yoooo Not cool with the killing Jesus thing. But meh, Atheism rules! 'Religion is the opium of the people' Jews = eh. Still, too much posting of girls, not enough spewing of propaganda. ha.
  11. K

    I want someone to tear apart this website...

    The Institute for Creation Research (creationism) It's the biggest load of BULLSHIT, but i don't have the time at the moment to provide a proper argument against it, (as I am in exam period). kthx X
  12. K

    Jewish People... Why the hate?

    Someone fill me in. Maybe I've kept my head out of Middle Eastern politics, as well as 4000 years or whatever it is of anti-semitism (And no, I'm not an anti-semite, or i wouldn't be asking the question). (And why did the last 'Jews' thread get closed?)
  13. K

    Does God exist?

    I love how those with nothing, try to make something.
  14. K

    Your thread has ended it seems! All the atheists combined, and we showed those christians and...

    Your thread has ended it seems! All the atheists combined, and we showed those christians and muslims a thing or two! :)
  15. K

    Does God exist?

    Apophatic theology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Seems SOMEWHAT reasonable. Although, mhm... What do ya'll think. God (-1)
  16. K

    my guy friend doesnt like me because he has a new girlfriend :( i hate life

  17. K

    American Politics

    Wait, I'm uninformed. Why is this a bad thing? (too consumed in religious debate to engage in politics).
  18. K

    Does God exist?

    Well, your logic, reveals an inherent flaw in your God. So, your God doesnt need a creator because it is supposedly outside of time. Well, because the universe exists, and we still, have no proof of God's existence, it is safe to readily assume, that if God does not require a creator...
  19. K

    Does God exist?

    • Rebuttal: Design Arguments Claim: Complexity indicates intelligent design. Response: 1. This is an argument from incredulity. Complexity usually means something is hard to understand. But the fact that one cannot understand how something came to be does not indicate that one may...