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  1. L

    Post Your 2009 University Offers Here! (UAC, VTAC, etc) (No Spam)

    B Business at UTS. Missed out of commerce (liberal) at usyd which i expected, but should be able to transfer much easier than if i tried from unsw commerce, woo.
  2. L


    fuck law, open a pakistani restaurant. you'll be the only one in the neighbourhood, you're guaranteed success!!
  3. L

    First Place In Course List

    haha nooo they are nice hugs! grats namu, you were pretty much a shoe in hey.
  4. L

    First in Course Ceremony

    Re: what school topped english adv?
  5. L

    Who's ready for this?

    what are the changes to medicare?
  6. L

    going to the toilet in exams

    lol no. i go three times in three hour exams. but i do have a doctor's certificate so whatever
  7. L

    State Rankings

    it's safe to say that externals are pretty much the primary contributor though hey? like lyounamu's friend or whatever who wasn't ranked 1st internally for physics but still topped the state.
  8. L

    State Rankings

    tbh if it was based on external marks alone and i didn't forget to elaborate on two things well enough in my essay, i'd probably be expecting one for eco. wah.
  9. L

    opinions on formal afterparties????

    fucking lol at how sheltered you kids are
  10. L

    Multiple choice answers

    they are all correct.
  11. L

    Formals (yr12); Semi-Formals (yr11); Socials (yr10)

    i love the black one but don't like the frilly type strap things? i hate all the dresses in stores at the moment with what feels like fucking awful fabric, like you'll look at it from afar and think "wow, awesome" then you feel the fabric and it feels like a $5 dress with a $500 price tag. you...
  12. L

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    Re: Multiple choice answers nah jared, 1 is deffers D because A said "low levels of income inequality" and they typically have undeveloped industrial zones, hence it's d and 7 is like half and half lol, it's a dumb question hey.
  13. L

    Sections III, IV : Extended Response

    lol way to not answer the question.
  14. L

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    yeah no you fucking clown, by buying the securities they INJECT CASH, so INCREASE THE SUPPLY AND THUS LIQUIDITY which is why the cash rate DECREASES. seriously, you call me an idiot and you don't understand supply and demand after doing eco for two years? get out.
  15. L

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    when they purchase securities that INCREASES the amount of cash and thus increases liquidity. the higher supply of cash leads to a decrease in the cash rate.
  16. L

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    Developing Economy: Country with low economic development with relatively low standard of living. Has undeveloped industrial base and low GDP per capita.
  17. L

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    common sense
  18. L

    General Thoughts - Economics

    lol no, it says increase the coefficient, not decrease.