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  1. ml125

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Studied at the park 5-7 Just got to a cafe so will probs stay here until 9 or smth Then I'll go home and have a nap And when I wake up I'll make sure I have everything memorised fk hoping to sleep before 12 but probs won't happen
  2. ml125

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I had two related texts but too ceebs to remember extra quotes so I'll just stick to one and use one of the unseen texts as a related if we need more than one lmao :'))))))
  3. ml125

    The Asian Music Thread

  4. ml125

    The Asian Music Thread

  5. ml125

    Pokemon GO thread

    Sitting on level 23 atm. Needing to go out of my way now since the pokego life is kinda dying in my area. Still quite a few people playing but not enough to encourage more spawns. There are 5 pokestops which used to ALWAYS be lured from about 3pm to 1am lel now it's gone down to about 2-3/5...
  6. ml125

    Mass of solution or solvent in calculating ΔHsol?

    Use the 150g mass. This is because you're initially using the temperature change and specific heat capacity of water, so any additions made to the mass of water would imply the addition of more water.
  7. ml125

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I remember posting about this before but lol rip ceebs finding that. I basically just went through the rubric and sort of mapped out how I could incorporate every single aspect of the rubric. So for every aspect of discovery like sudden or unexpected I would write either how I'd adapt my...
  8. ml125

    Guide to selecting your HSC Courses

    Re: How NOT to pick HSC Subjects Any combination of subjects can get you a 99+ atar, scaling shouldn't be your main concern when choosing your subjects. Seeing as though you've been getting pretty consistent marks as of now, you should be able to manage an atar above 90 as long as you put the...
  9. ml125

    Pokemon GO thread

    Currently sitting on like 80km, gonna get it up to at least 100km before the start of trials. ... tfw pokemon go is only motivation to leave the house and go to the library. This is actually making me study w o w
  10. ml125

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I feel as though whenever I cut shit out I'm slowly chipping away my 15/15 Oh well meep As if I was even gonna write the whole thing anyway Can't memorise for my life omfg People who can memorise whole essays are actually a m a z i n g Living that #memorisequotesandmakeshituponthespot lyf
  11. ml125

    The Asian Music Thread

  12. ml125

    Should i drop Software Design and Development?

    I'd say to stick with it for trials, unless it takes up too much of your time where you could be studying for your other subjects. Because of your rank, as long as you pull up your performance for externals keeping SDD should be fine. If you see no prospect of that happening there would be no...
  13. ml125

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    EAS tho :') 10 bonus points ayeeeyeye inb4 mystery mark not even 50 atar rip - nah lel getting 99.95 m8898 Shuu p l s .-.
  14. ml125

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    My creative is pretty solid but is ~1200 words ;A; About same length as my essays for advanced usually are. Most of the time creative's like ~800 but this time can't find anything to cut out ;A; I can manage to do it in the time, but a bit risky lol Meanwhile EE1... ~1700 words for my...
  15. ml125

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Better get 100th percentile m8898898 no pressure :')))))))
  16. ml125

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Did practice paper 1&2 yesterday - 5 hrs of writing rip hand was so sore, gave myself like a 20 min break in between them Up until now I've only done each section individually, just realised how screwed I am woooOOOoOOo With EE1, I think I'll be (((okay))) - managed to get in ~3500 words in the...
  17. ml125

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    HAHAhahhahHAHhahAH :')) ;AA;;
  18. ml125

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    you got me :'D
  19. ml125

    2016ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Tfw more red on exam paper than black :') so many silly mistakes wtf c ri e s rip 3u rank
  20. ml125

    Pokemon GO thread

    On level 22 :'D But like rip trying to get in sufficient pokemon go time is effort bc lol I have trials to study for meep .-.