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  1. ClockworkSoldier

    We have, way back on your Rebekkie (?) account… 2008-9 or somethin'. You Facebook stalker, you :P.

    We have, way back on your Rebekkie (?) account… 2008-9 or somethin'. You Facebook stalker, you :P.
  2. ClockworkSoldier

    I've never actually had any lengthy conversation with him. Lol.

    I've never actually had any lengthy conversation with him. Lol.
  3. ClockworkSoldier

    I'm up again in December briefly. Then again late Jan on my way back down :P.

    I'm up again in December briefly. Then again late Jan on my way back down :P.
  4. ClockworkSoldier

    Opinions: Shave head?

    No look. I dress how I like lol. Nah. I have a stable job at the moment.
  5. ClockworkSoldier

    Opinions: Shave head?

    I had dreads when I was 18 until early 20. Like I said, normal haircuts (in my opinion) make me look like a dickhead.
  6. ClockworkSoldier

    Forum Error

    We are aware of the issue and a solution is currently in the works.
  7. ClockworkSoldier

    Hey, 'Metallic'. Who's this? (To save me checking if you're somebody's alt lol).

    Hey, 'Metallic'. Who's this? (To save me checking if you're somebody's alt lol).
  8. ClockworkSoldier

    Opinions: Shave head?

    Hair pulled back.
  9. ClockworkSoldier

    Opinions: Shave head?

    Good point. I shall do so in the morning since I don't have a working light in this room.
  10. ClockworkSoldier

    Opinions: Shave head?

    This is an oddly superficial question for me to ask, but I'm thinking of shaving my head. Any amount of upkeep seems to annoy me, but opinions are needed. My hair currently: I have no pics of my shaved head. I used to shave my head up until I was ~14, grew it until I was...
  11. ClockworkSoldier

    I've regained my old forums of HSC Music and The Reading Room.

    I've regained my old forums of HSC Music and The Reading Room.
  12. ClockworkSoldier

    Get in there! Haha.

    Get in there! Haha.
  13. ClockworkSoldier

    Good luck, dude. Studied up?

    Good luck, dude. Studied up?
  14. ClockworkSoldier

    Visiting people :P. How many you got left?

    Visiting people :P. How many you got left?
  15. ClockworkSoldier

    Nm. Sitting on the open road right now. Heading up to Sydney lol. What's doin', Mirakon?

    Nm. Sitting on the open road right now. Heading up to Sydney lol. What's doin', Mirakon?
  16. ClockworkSoldier

    Thanks, dude, though I was previously a mod before you started on the forum. Gave it up because...

    Thanks, dude, though I was previously a mod before you started on the forum. Gave it up because I didn't have the time to commit etc.
  17. ClockworkSoldier

    Can't concentrate!

    Ritalin. No, but seriously; if you have like a week until an exam, don't burn yourself out by studying too much. It's actually good for you to have a short break then come back to it when your head's cleared up.
  18. ClockworkSoldier

    Swizzle's Love Thread - Post anonymous messages to your secret crush

    Sure, if you're an eight year old... Living in the nineties... On a cheaply made kids' sitcom.
  19. ClockworkSoldier

    Ipad Mini

    I think it's most likely frustration with people who get sucked in by advertising etc. Consumerist culture blah blah. Bring on Anarchy! Lol.
  20. ClockworkSoldier

    Running vs Block Writing

    I've posted it in that old handwriting thread Ann made a while back. Note: My pen is shit - rarely gets used at work.