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  1. G

    What's your fetish?

    I like it when boys dominate. I like dominating girls. I like it rough, and I fucking love necks and collarbones.
  2. G

    2009ers: Year 12 Jerseys

    LOL. Ahahah good stuff.
  3. G

    Major Projects for yr12

    History extension woooooh! I'm totally pumped haha. Except I can't decide between Josef Mengele and Morgan le Fay... =|
  4. G

    How do you feel?

    I'm actually kind of excited. But underneath that, I'm terrified haha.
  5. G

    2009ers: Year 12 Jerseys

    I have to narrow down my 589327523750293457 nicknames and pick one... Either Moth or Kram-Kram, not quite sure which. ...Yes, my nicknames are weird haha. Ooh, and to overcome censorship: use binary. =D
  6. G

    Did anyone else bludge through the entire of Year 11?

    I bludged allll the way through year 11. Seriously, I did not do an ounce of work, in class or out. Half my assigments were handed in late and I still scraped pretty easy passes. Got all 75% and above in my exams, excluding maths in which I only just managed a 53%. Thank God I'm dropping it...
  7. G

    What would you do/say as an exam supervisor??

    All the exam supervisors at my school are just random students parents. And when people who have forgotten to take things out of their pockets and hand them in at the front of the room, the supervisors like to take random iPods and start listening to them for the duration of the exam. :|
  8. G

    What pen have you been using for you HSC exams?

    what do you do when you need to use the other three letters of the alphabet? XD
  9. G

    Favourite Harry Potter Book

    1) Goblet of Fire 2) Deathly Hallows 3) Prisoner of Azkaban 4) Half-Blood Prince 5) Order of the Pheonix 6) Philosopher's Stone 7) Chamber of Secrets Am I the only one who thought that J.K. Rowling progressed a LOT as a writer throughout the books?