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  1. carlytse621

    Module C: History and Memory.

    I am doing poem in this module as well - history and memory We have to do selected poem by levertov denise and we need to do all 7 poems - listed in the syllabus :(
  2. carlytse621

    HSC date?

    HSC written examinations commence Tuesday, 20 October 2009 :( got it from
  3. carlytse621

    Hsc 2009 Dates

    Re: 2009 timetable? HSC written examinations commence Tuesday, 20 October 2009:cold: got it from
  4. carlytse621

    Future Plans: What ATAR/course/job are you aiming for?

    Re: Future Plans: What UAI/course/job are you aiming for? >95 to get do commerce in sydney uni or UNSW~ if not ....try >90 and try to get bonus point for UNSW or flexible entry for sydney uni if not then UTS if not >65 can get in commerce in UWS (then transfer to sydney uni or UNSW ^^) try to...
  5. carlytse621

    2007 HSC Rankings - EVERY SCHOOL LISTED.

    well......below 610....what can i say = =''''
  6. carlytse621

    First Day too....short for chemistry text books! and guess what I am the only one in the class who don't have the text book :mad:
  7. carlytse621

    2009 HSC English Texts - What are you studying?

    english adv Area of study: Romulus, My father Module A: Frankestein Blade Runner Module B: Hamlet ModuleC: Poetry : Levertov denise
  8. carlytse621

    You *know* you're a physics nerd when...

    when i was spinning on ice... i was thinking - my velocity vector is at right angle to the force vector - my force is towarding the centre of the circle - my centripital force is = mv^2/r - and i know my spinning speed and sideway friction is less than the theorical speed, because I didn't skid...
  9. carlytse621

    Yr 11 Physics - which topic r u up to?

    Our class gives up the topic of cosmic engine :cold: Don't have enough time.... and we only in half way in moving about :angry: and my teacher is travelling now....:angry: so he just left heap of booklets and let us self study.... lucky i wrote notes already ;)...