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  1. S

    Will 2unit math count towards my atar?

    Doubt 2unit math will count for you. Your 10 other ATAR units will
  2. S

    97 ATAR needed?

    Yeah, pretty hard, you're at 93 imo
  3. S

    2003 Economics HSC Past Paper Help!

    I'll answer the first one: The exchange rate (ER) can move in the opposite direction to the TWI because the ER is only a comparison between two countries. If one country that is being compared to Australia suffers a massive depreciation, but the general trend in the global economy is an...
  4. S

    Locus Question 0.0

    Point O to line PQ is obtained via perp. dist. formula PQ can be found using distance formula. Then just 1/2bh
  5. S

    Trigonometry Question

    Sweet, thanks :)
  6. S

    Trigonometry Question

    Sorry if it sounds stupid, but how do you do part i) ? I get ii, just not i - I'm probably missing something quite obvious...
  7. S

    Atar Estimate Please?

    You're at low 80's with those ranks right now I reckon.
  8. S

    Atar estimate

    He's looking at high 80's imo, needs to improve english!
  9. S


    91-3 mx2 you might be able to get a b6 (e4) in, but for chem, i doubt it - you have to do really really well