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  1. R

    Anyone still not received their student cards?

    I went to Student Central on thursday. They said to wait till Tuesday and get my card from the Fisher Library.
  2. R


    My sister used to turn the car into a makeshift bed during her long breaks in engineering (Monash U). She used to nap in there during winter. So you could probably do it too.
  3. R

    The most nerve racking part about starting uni is..

    ZOMG free toothbrush! Lol, are you doing dentistry? Anyway, I remember my friend who does law got a free towel from a law firm in UNSW (2007) during OWeek.
  4. R

    is anybody going to be joining SUAC?

    I like to exercise (run) outdoors at night. Since I'm living on City Road, it wouldn't be that safe right? Maybe I'll just exercise with the stairs.
  5. R

    Experiences with transferring out of UWS to another uni

    What is your ATAR? You should aim for a distinction average at least. Also the number of people applying for transfers in a particular course (like yourself) will determine whether it would be easy or difficult to transfer in; they rank all the transfer applicants on GPA/UAI combo (in UNSW), so...
  6. R

    How old will you be when you graduate from uni?

    A pity that Scorch aka child prodigy is doing arts.
  7. R

    transferring with same UAC number + Pin

    If you applied for 2010 Sem 1, you would be given a UAC number and pin. To apply for sem 2, you would need to reapply and pay the application fees. So the UAC number would be different.
  8. R

    is anybody going to be joining SUAC? Here are the prices.
  9. R

    is anybody going to be joining SUAC?

    Running is a great way to relieve stress. I've recently picked up running (like yesterday, lol). If you live in a residential college, you do get some SUAC membership. However, I am not sure which type of membership it is, I have yet to receive it.
  10. R

    Missing your Orientation Day

    I'm missing both of my orientation days as well. Bummer.
  11. R

    Chartered accountants

    I'll be super nice and post all the courses you need to do :spin: By the way, we don't need the shaded courses right?Here's the pdf Taken from the UNSW's website
  12. R

    Is having a relationship during school/university worth it?

    No point planning whether to date or not in university. If you find someone you truly find irresistible (personality, humour, looks), I'm sure you will throw this guideline 'not to date in uni' out in the bin. You're definitely more mature compared to high school now, so you can make your own...
  13. R

    Start at UNSW and transfer internally or start elsewhere and transfer externally?

    Hey Kozak, don't be so down on yourself and have more self-confidence :) It's not that hard to get an ATAR of 90+, I had many mates even cramming at the last 2 months, and they got decent ATARs (early 90s). Walk into the exam with confidence and do plenty of past exams (preferably 5 per...
  14. R

    Who's studying interstate?

    I'm from melbourne! Have u settled ur accommodation yet dragonangel?
  15. R


    Nope, they don't sell textbooks. They only sell the course readers and do copying/printing/binding services. So if you are doing Foundations this coming semester, you need to purchase the course reader from the Copy centre.
  16. R


    Hmmm, can't you just buy the textbooks you think you would need anyway, leave it unopened from its plastic wrap and return the book if you don't need it? I did it last year and saved on the queuing time. That way you won't waste any money but still can get your books fast (excluding the...
  17. R

    Exactly how useful is a single commerce degree?

    Lol I think you meant to say that is for an Arts degree. Surely commerce doesn't deserve that rep? :eek:
  18. R

    Melb vs Monash

    Hmmm, not many local students do masters right? Usually international students do masters (correct me if I'm wrong).
  19. R

    Exactly how useful is a single commerce degree?

    Why do you need to do psych to be a psychiatrist? I thought all you had to do was medicine + specialization in psychiatry?
  20. R

    Undergraduate Law @ ANU

    If you are talking undergraduate law (as the title of this thread suggests), that's not true. You have to do combined law at UNSW and USYD; they do not permit you to do an undergraduate single law degree. However, at other universities like Adelaide University, you can do an undergraduate...