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  1. R

    is engineering super hard

    Nothing wrong with being surrounded by boys. I was reading one of the posts above and someone said he was in an all boys schools. I can definitely understand how he feels, I have been in an all girls school in primary school and high school. It was a refreshing change to talk to boys in...
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    If my potential bf is less intelligent/educated than me, I don't think I can take him seriously. For females, I think it is best for the guy to be either equally as intelligent as the female, or if not, 'slightly' more intelligent than the female. Definitely not the other way around, if not it...
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    is engineering super hard

    Lol, I did made a wise choice. My whole family is full of engineers- dad's civil, 1st uncle is civil, 2nd uncle is chem and my sister is mech. I'm happy I didn't go down this pathway. Anyhoo, math and engineering is not my thing. My hat is off to those who can get a distinction average in...
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    is engineering super hard

    Do chemical engineering for the chicks, if you don't want to be surrounded by all boys. Obviously this is a horrible way to choose your engineering pathway.
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    Transfer from B Ecos to Combined Law Degree

    For me, a GPA of 6.25 converts to: 3 high distinctions 4 distinctions 1 credit GPA at USyd: 7= High Distinction 6= Distinction 5= Credit If you want the university to look at your ATAR/GPA combo, a high credit average (GPA of 5+) would suffice for high ATARs like 99.00+. If you...
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    Is University overrated these days?

    Please explain :) What is Macquarie better in compared to Melbourne University, UNSW and USyd?
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    Is University overrated these days?

    Lol Sultun, you're really fired up when it comes to arguing and comebacks. Anyway, it's not like that's a bad thing.
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    Nervous about moving!

    I see. Well, I hope the ANU accommodation guarantee worked well in your favour and you have nice roommates. All the best.
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    Nervous about moving!

    wow, isn't it a bit early? We start on 1st of March and I'm moving into college on the 28th feb.
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    PDF versions of textbooks.

    So where do you get the PDF versions of Australian university textbooks? I'm looking for "Laying Down the Law" 7th Edition and would like to read it now. I would prefer the hardcopy but I can't buy it from the bookshop at this moment of time. Any suggestions?
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    CA or CPA at USyd

    Yep I think I'm going to stick to the CA route, no point taking that yucky info sys subject. Thanks guys.
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    Who has goals of going to Harvard University?

    Meh, no harvard for me! I'm going to live in my little country town with a local degree :)
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    BOS USYD Roll Call 2010

    Lol you could say, "I did a triple degree coz...". Hehe. All the best!
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    Is University overrated these days?

    Initially I disliked Omar, but after reading all his posts, it now seems he makes 'some' controversial yet valid points.
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    Residential Colleges...

    Omg, I'm so jealous! Is it a full college fees or half college fees scholarship? Hmmmm, I wished they had scholarships based on academic merit (for second years). I'll go check.
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    Transfer from Macq B Com/Law into UTS B Com/Law

    Hey hun, USyd allows you to transfer even after second year. So you can try to transfer as well.
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    Residential Colleges...

    Wow did you get a scholarship?
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    Is University overrated these days?

    I don't get why everyone likes to compare the quality of university degrees like this: Why is it assumed that the student at the lower tier university would study harder in general? Lame, it is not a fair comparison.
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    CA or CPA at USyd

    Oh yes, and I'm leaning towards CA because it's recognised internationally and more prestigious. Also, a very small benefit that CA has is, it doesn't have that 2nd year info sys subject.