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  1. S

    india-continiuty and change

    (society and culture)india-continiuty and change does anyone know about the laws and legal system in India? how significant was the decision by the British that indian nationals should be allowed more autonomy in decision-making and participation in society? please help if u know something...
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    your current favourite song

    atm i'm loving eh eh by lady gaga,love story by taylor swift and get shaky by the ian carey show....oh and fall for you:)
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    tutoring in liverpool/fairfield area

    can u tutor in ingeburn?
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    Christmas.... what are you asking for??

    an ipod,laptop,digital camera........oh and macquarie textbooks lol
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    your current favourite song

    crush by david archuleta
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    Best TV series EVER

    Prison Break Gossip girl Neighbours Gilmore girls Life as we know it
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    Pictures or Poems for Belonging?

    I had that assignment too and it was due today.I did the poem-belonging by Crystal Maresh:haha: see if you like it! Belonging When we move on with our life Where does it lead too? We join a group of people that We think are friends But why is that some get a feeling That they really...
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    Poems Belonging

    Belonging by crystal maresh:) good luck!
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    Movies about belonging

    my big fat greek wedding cry,the beloved country aquamarine
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    best cure for acne?what causes acne?

    are u for real?proactiv didn't work for me:( it just made my pimples worse
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    what's your fave ice-cream?

    mine's cookies n cream ice-cream:uhhuh:
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    best cure for acne?what causes acne?

    um i badly want to see a dermatologist but aren't they expensive?
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    best cure for acne?what causes acne?

    what sort of pill??
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    best cure for acne?what causes acne?

    do you have acne?what is the best cure for acne??I've tried neutrogena,clearisil then proactiv which I was hoping would work but it obviously didn't!!does proactiv work for you??? I've also tried toothpaste and tea tree oil but still nothing:cold: It's not that bad but i just hate when i have...
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    lemon detox diet?

    is it true you have a clearer,glowing skin free from acne if you drink it?
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    pimples? formals?

    well proactiv is $80 and I tried it but it didn't work for me:(
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    Teeth Whitening

    celebrity sexy tooth whitener is said to be the #1 whitening teeth priduct.But you can try danoz direct-activ clear whitening teeth one which is pretty good:D
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    david archuleta

    excuse me!he is not ewww and he's 17 not 12:vcross: and by da way boyz aren't allowed in this discussion!!dis is only 4 girlz
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    david archuleta

    :D I love david and i wish he won the american idol:cold: But I'm very happy he got through and started recording now:spin: what do you think of his song crush??I'm obsessed with that song lol:spin: is it just me or is he like really hot:jaw:
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    Does God exist?

    of course God exists!don't u guyz have a religion?We have to worship God because he created us and if you don't accept him you won't have eternal life or you will go to hell. So it's up to u guyz what you the bible that's the real proof God exists!