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  1. bored of sc

    ATAR estimate...

    Probably an ATAR of 93-97.
  2. bored of sc

    Screwed up assessment task :(

    The Preliminary Higher School Certificate is about learning lessons like this. Keep your head high. :)
  3. bored of sc

    ATAR estimate

    You need to give us your 2009 HSC School's Ranking so we can estimate your ATAR range more accurately. Based on your subjects, rankings and marks, I'd say you're looking at an ATAR of 90-95, as long as you improve on Modern History. But this estimate is likely to be very inaccurate.
  4. bored of sc

    Can Conflict be a Theme?

    Sure, why not? You need to elaborate though, conflict in itself is too general to be a theme. The Corruptive Forces of Conflict is a theme. Conflict is a concept. The Benefits of Not Belonging is a theme. Belonging is a concept. Do you get the picture?
  5. bored of sc

    ATAR Estimate Feedback <HELP>

    It's hard to say, at the moment based on your rankings I'd say you need to improve (but only in certain subjects). The subjects where you are ranked in the top quarter of students, you just need to keep doing what you're doing. However, the subjects where you are ranked in the bottom half of...
  6. bored of sc

    ATAR Estimate Feedback <HELP>

    Of course it's possible to get that ATAR. The moment you stop believing in yourself is when it becomes impossible.
  7. bored of sc

    guess my atar

    Probably an ATAR of 80-85. They're solid subject rankings and your school ranking is fairly good as well.
  8. bored of sc

    Re: "Can I get a decent ATAR with these subjects?"

    You look like you're on the way to a very high ATAR. Keep it up.
  9. bored of sc

    ATAR of 75 possible??

    The median ATAR for 2009 was 70.25 (give or take a point) and I think you're at least as high as that (probably higher towards 80). Just keep your head up.
  10. bored of sc

    Yr 11 performance

    Can't believe this thread is still going strong! Keep up the good work current year 11er's. Congratulations and best of luck for the future.
  11. bored of sc

    SHIT half yearlies

    I got in the high 50% range for my Chemistry and Mathematics Extension 2 Trial Papers. My HSC Marks were 80 and 84 for them respectively. Don't get hung up on marks. I thought I'd do extremely miserably in the HSC after receiving my trial marks. But I ended up doing fairly okay. :) Hang in...
  12. bored of sc

    ATAR estimate

    To be honest you're probably looking at an ATAR of 95-97.
  13. bored of sc


    If you're stressed, de-stress. Clear your mind of all school work-related things. Stop studying/doing homework for a while (unless you absolutely need to) and rejuvenate your mind. Otherwise you'll simply burn out. Spend the weekend relaxing and DON'T do any school work. Then on Monday return...
  14. bored of sc

    ATAR Estimate

    You're ranked pretty much in the top quarter of students (or better) for all your subjects except english in a top 10 ranked school. I'd say you'll get an ATAR of 97-99 provided you maintain those high rankings and perform well in your HSC exams. You will probably need to blitz the english...
  15. bored of sc


    It's probably been said and it's probably an over-used cliche (but nonetheless true) but think of the bigger picture. A good performance in the HSC is one of the easiest and most direct stepping stones towards university admission. Also, consider the workforce; who would you hire, someone who...
  16. bored of sc

    Motivational stories for HSC 2010

    - Failed an internal laboratory assessment for Chemistry (40%). This made me lose all motivation for the subject. Eventually got over this hurdle and put in some quality study time (in the latter part of the year). Ended up with a band 5 HSC mark. - Got really upset by my music1 performance...
  17. bored of sc

    English is a waste of life.

    +1 Same here!
  18. bored of sc

    chemistry and physics help??

    Make sure you summarise notes, get them really succinct. Less is more. Perhaps you could also create a glossary of important terms e.g. electronegativity, intermolecular forces etc. Whatever works for you.
  19. bored of sc

    what related text did you use for belonging?

    Gary Jules' piece of music Mad World Chris Lilley's televsion series Summer Heights High
  20. bored of sc

    on averagehow much o the state dya rekon rely fails hsc/

    After looking at the raw marks threads, I estimate 40-60% depending on the subject.