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  1. clementc

    Assessing factual correctness?

    Hahaha typical HSC questions like this are so full of crap =P What I think most people tend to write is that, as a first resource, they approached their teacher and asked about some preliminary information about the subject. Then, to further enhance their understanding, they went online and...
  2. clementc

    who got interview offers for uncle/une medicine?

    Haha were you morning or afternoon session? =)
  3. clementc

    Tested on Non-Syllabus Content

    Hey at least your teacher teaches. In year 11 and term 4 of year 12, mine never taught. When he did, he was completely wrong (such as saying that there was a force keeping satellites up, or else they would fall to the ground). Sadly the first few times I tried to correct him but when everyone...
  4. clementc

    Tested on Non-Syllabus Content

    You need to read more textbooks then =P It has certainly come up in textbooks and the HSC before, and it would be pretty overwhelming if you had never seen it before. They've also had questions with the voltage/current in the primary and secondary loop over time in a transformer.
  5. clementc

    General Thoughts: Physics

    Yeah not great idea to annoy the marker who holds your marks in his hand haha. They might have a mark for communicating clearly too so =\
  6. clementc

    General Thoughts: Chemistry

    HAHA thats exacly what i did!!! xDD tried to think of the ones with the most stuff to bs
  7. clementc

    Photovoltaic cells

    Wow thank you very much lmao. That actually made sense LOL. the textbook just bombards you with too many words about liberation and potential difference and crazy stuff =)
  8. clementc

    Post your Physics questions here.

    Haha it probably isn't right to say rate of change of flux (\inline \frac{d\phi}{dt}) is a maximum at t=0. At t=0, \inline \frac{d\phi}{dt}=0! Remember from maths that the rate of change is equal to the gradient at that instant, and at t=0, the gradient is just horizontal haha It's magnitude...
  9. clementc

    Post your Physics questions here.

    Haha why are you still up =P Um, so flux is like the number of field lines penetrating the plane of the coil. So naturally when the surface of it faces the B field, it's got the most number of field lines penetrating it. When the coil is edge on (like with one edge facing you), then there's zero...
  10. clementc

    Post your Physics questions here.

    Could you describe how you did it? It might have been just a calculator error or something =)
  11. clementc

    Photovoltaic cells

    Bump. Also do not get at all LOL. Very confused, all the textbooks are really vague and waffley when it comes to this. Something about exciting the electron to come out o_O
  12. clementc

    Terry Lee Ext 1 Solutions

    WOW kleenextissues how come there's like no one in your school!
  13. clementc

    Erm... estimate your mark ...

    Maybe he comes from Northern Territory =P
  14. clementc

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    Re: holy fucking shit i might as well just die now. Yeah it's 99.3 or thereabouts depending on the year
  15. clementc

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    Re: holy fucking shit i might as well just die now. Oh god. I missed that question for the y intercept. Arghhh why dammit why
  16. clementc

    Agriculture exam

    Poor agriculture >=] Oh well good luck everyone haha, ag scales like crap *sigh*
  17. clementc

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    Re: holy fucking shit i might as well just die now. It's the same guy who keeps on going on about free help lol, but he made 2 accounts and got banned twice
  18. clementc

    Agriculture exam

    Agriculture is so abandoned in comparison to all the other threads . . . does no one do it anymore? ='(
  19. clementc

    Erm... estimate your mark ...

    Highest possible 71 =\
  20. clementc

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 1

    yehh its y > 1/4 ='( got it wrong calculated i got at most 71/84. shame of my school LOL drag everyone down