lol i can imagine ur brain cells getting very confused lol...must be an imbalance of Na+ and K+ ions :P
when did ur fav jap drama is hana kimi...did u even finish watching it?
lol u gotta understand it to apply it to questions...there are questions u have to answer. However it is mostli memory work which actualli makes it hard because there is so much u hav to memorise
lol...i think lib is good too...too much outing to non-lib env discourages learning HAHAHA.. im fine with leaving earli which means can we get there earli..i dun wanna waste another sat.
i dun thk i have a choice now do i? LOL guess thats 2 extra for u u realise that us 3 have been together everyday consecutively for 12 days including school...mayb we can break the record :tongue:
lol okie! i think some are going to macquarie open day e.g. namu....i dun noe about the rest...but im fine with it. ur goin definiteli rite? i noe yvette is going.
i checked my email - she hasnt modify the schedule cos me and lia is still together.