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  1. zarlaya11

    CONFUSED!!... major work:D

    Hello! Im doing my major work on how temporal context affects history with Che Guevara being my subject - i've been reading the forum and I know we have to do our essay on "What is history?", but does this sound like a good topic? I've already done like 3/4 of a first draft and don't want it...
  2. zarlaya11

    Existentialism - After the Bomb

    Hi guys, I've just finished Waiting for Godot and I think it would be good to make a coprehensive definition of existentialism... Can anyone help me with quotes and main beliefs please? Thanks
  3. zarlaya11

    ayuda por favor!

    Hahahaha metes algo asi en un forum de colegio? Que buena...
  4. zarlaya11

    Motocycle Diaries

    Hola chicos de espanol extension, Una prehunta: Como vais con "Diarios de Motocicleta"? Yo bastante bien, solo quiero saber que pensais. Gracias.
  5. zarlaya11

    Ext. Spanish 2009

    Hi guys, Im doing ext. Spanish through Open High School for my HSC in 2009 and when I started this month, they said it was going to be HEAPS of work etc etc. But up until now, i've done all my work easily in my double of ext spanish... so im wondering... am I being lazy or missing something or...
  6. zarlaya11

    How many students?

    10 or 11
  7. zarlaya11


    Hey guys, Im obviously doing Hisoriography for my HSC and I would like to do something on Obama for my major project. The thing is, I have no idea what my focus questions could be! I keep getting it confused with a historical investigation and focusing on him rather than the media (historians)...
  8. zarlaya11

    'After the Bomb' Supplementary texts

    Hi guys, Just wondering: I have an assignment where I have to do a critical review of two Cold War era texts. Any suggestions or hints? Thanks!
  9. zarlaya11

    Some advice on my workload please?!

    Lol yep I am at school! But the spanishes are distance ed. Well I think i'll be ok, its not like I have a huge array of subjects! Thanks for the help guys!
  10. zarlaya11

    Some advice on my workload please?!

    Hi guys, I have just started year 12 and I am really wanting to do a timetable that will probably have a huge workload. I want to do: English Advanced + English Ext. 1 Ancient History + Ext. History Spanish + Ext. Spanish General Maths Its only 11 units but three 3 unit subjects?? If I dont...