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  1. Y

    ATAR Estimate please

    Thanks for the advice and info v1! At the moment I seem to be doing fairly well in every subject except English and Maths. I moved up to 1st for both eco and legal after the half yearlies, however for english I keep getting the same shitty marks that force me to be in the bottom 10-15%. How...
  2. Y

    ATAR Estimate please

    Can someone please estimate my ATAR please? Currently my school is ranked around 140 Economics - 2nd/45 (Very tight group; 5-6 people are sitting on the first three ranks) Legal Studies - 1st/50 Modern History - 1st/15 Maths2U - 45-50th/80 (Will be counted as one unit) English Adv- 35-40th/60...