Manroop is a highly dedicated tutor who has a fantastic understanding of all the required concepts. May I add he came first in Girraween for Extension 2 Mathematics without the use of a tutor himself, such is his understanding of the subject matter. Highly recommend his services and suggest you...
Actually that may not be 100% true. If two students are entered tied first from your school it actually causes a bit of a dillemma. You are all probably aware by now that the highest internal school mark that someone in your school gets is the highest hsc test mark achieved by someone in your...
Prices and samples of my notes are available below:
Modern notes $5:
Chemistry notes $5:
Biology notes $5...
The easiest way to a state rank is to rank first in your school, regardless of what your internal mark is. The highest assessment mark awarded for your HSC in your school will be based on the highest examination mark. So if you are first in your school, you decide your own assesment and HSC mark...
You should definitely try as hard as possible to reach your potential from here on in. That said that 99.95 isn't sitting around waiting for you to get serious about the HSC when there is only 4 months till the exams. Why should it go to you when as Aerath mentioned the HSC demands consistency...
Returning the favour for the free bump clint. I can definitely vouch for this. I play cricket with this guy currently in a team and he is one of the most committed and determined captains in the comp. He...
In my experience the questions weren't that great. If you want practise for half yearlies the best option is trial papers. I can't see why you would want to avoid them as yet. The quicker you get into them the better!