How many periods do you get a week? In terms of units how much is that?
Ive got 4 units every 2 wks, same number of periods as a 1 unit subject :(
Also, where is everyone up to? Were only started graphing, and has only done complex :(
Anyone here take supplements such as Berocca performance? What do you think about these pills. Do they really work?
Also, anyone take anything for concentration and increased mental functioning?
second one:
4(1+tan^2x) = 3tanx + 5\\ \text{taking Equation to one side will give }\\ 4tan^2x-3tanx-1 = 0\\ \text{Solving Quadratic Equation }\\ (4tanx+1)(tanx-1)=0\\ tanx = \frac{1}{4}\\ \text{OR}\\ tanx=1
Are you sure this is rite? I think youve done
T_{n+1} wrong
It should be
[tex] -4(-2)^{k+1)[tex]
Also, the whole thing is in brackets. Sorry about mistake. Re-did it in edit.
Prove using induction
-4 + 8 - 16 + ... + -4(-2)^ {n-1} = \frac{4((-2)^{n} - 1)}{3}
The original document said 4(-2)^(n-1). And that works perfectly for induction. However, a = -4, and thus Tn = -4(-2)^(n-1). Please help.
EDIT: Fatal Error: 4((-2)^(n) - 1)/3 = RHS
Also just generally, when conducting complex trig, where root is in the form of
\frac{k\pi}{4},\\ \text{k=0,1,2,.... }
and the equation is cubed
is it enough to say, k=0,1,2 since only first 3 root are distinct?