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  1. S

    US Gun Control Proposals

    President Obama has announced a package of laws and executive orders to combat guns in America. Will it work?
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    2.5 Below the desired cut-off, can I still get in?

    The cut-offs for this year have not been determined yet. You can't currently say whether you are below the cut-off.
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    Mosque puts fatwa on christmas
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    2012 HSC Merit Lists

    I think it might be on the raw mark report. It was reported with raw marks in the past.
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    Made dumb decision earlier, what should I do now?

    The ranks are finalised now. The whole point of BOS allowing you to check them was so you could raise any issues before final results were calculated. You've only yourself to blame.
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    Rewards from parents for good marks

    Anybody getting rewards from parents etc for getting good marks?
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    How to obtain your marks

    The sites above. If it was students online it would say that.
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    Okay, I got my marks, but....

    Could just be that your teachers were a bit generous in their marking. That's what the moderating and aligning process irons out. Your mark looks fine.
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    First in Course List

    No, the rest of the lists are tomorrow.
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    First in Course List

    He refers to the Top Achievers in Course List. This was last years:
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    First in Course List

    Disappointing effort there from James Ruse
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    Best Music of 2012

    What was your favourite music of 2012? Which Albums? Singles? My album of the year is Beach House - Bloom. No particular song stands out.
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    Results are out?

    They changed the SMS registration system this year. In the past sending a text before the results were released was required to register for the SMS service. This year registation is now all online on Students Online. This year, sending the Student Number and pin to that number was indeed meant...
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    eng question !

    For the record the Board of Studies has nothing to do with the ATAR. If you have queries about that it's UAC who you should contact.
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    Ex-students & teachers

    Don't see why you are being asked to attend a counselling session. You are under no obligation to attend and I don't see what it would achieve. I wouldn't go. Certainly nothing illegal here and if it is against the policy of the school then that is entirely a matter for the teacher. You are no...
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    if I'm first ranked in a course... will i get the first hsc mark?

    You will get the top mark in the exam as your internal mark. You always keep your own exam mark.
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    How do you get your ATAR in December?

    There is no geoblock. You mean aligned marks. You also receive the ATAR notice in the mail the day after.
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    Urgent: Misadventure/Medical Emergency

    The mark is derived from those internal assessments but is not an average of the raw marks for them. I suggest you familarise yourself with the aligning/moderating process: (Particularly under the heading 'assessment mark'
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    Urgent: Misadventure/Medical Emergency

    The assessment mark is just your internal mark. It's calculated how it would normally be done so (Only they remove you from the moderating process of you cohort first) If it is higher than the mark you would have gotten for the exam (in your case zero), then the assessment mark becomes your...
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    Urgent: Misadventure/Medical Emergency

    Its not an estimate or anything. Your internal mark would be the same whether you complete the exam or not. They just use that internal mark for your overall mark. (If the exam mark is not higher)